Attention "celsius people" (especially Canadian ones).

Jesús has man-boobs because he's middle-aged

give Him break I hope you look as good when you are his age!
A.B.Normal said:
Tackling Jesus is just as bad :lol2:


Yeah, but those kids look what, about 10? I always figired it would take more than a Pop Warner tackle to take down the Lord.
So is that Jebus as a quarterback doing a handoff? The shame of it all. It makes him the controller of the play... denial of free will. He's also handing off his problems on someone else showing a lack of faith.
Doesn't look like Jesus to me...I always thought Jesus looked African/Middle Eastern...:confused:
Gato_Solo said:
Doesn't look like Jesus to me...I always thought Jesus looked African/Middle Eastern...:confused:
Any thinking person would understand that but... :D