Attention Mr Gore


molṑn labé
Staff member
It's all the cows fault. Go back to driving big cars.

a new U.N. report found that livestock are responsible for 18 percent of global greenhouse gases. In other words, in the universe of global-warming alarmism, cow farts do more damage to Mother Earth than SUVs. (American cars are responsible for some 6 percent of greenhouse gases.)

The Sunday Telegraph reported that the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is downgrading its predictions as to how much sea levels will rise due to global warming. The IPCC lowered its upper estimate for sea levels to rise by 2100 from 34 inches to 17 inches.

SF Chrnonicle
Pssst... Try to keep up, it's not "global warming" anymore, it's "climate change."

"Not enough people are buying it Bob, respin the marketing paradigm."

Pssst...if you really want to be around a cow that's been eatin' Beanos, be my guest.

Beano is an enzyme you put a few drops of on your first bite of food. It's supposed to counteract the gaseous properties of beans and other fart-inducing foods.
Next president.

Nah. By the next President (assuming their names is follwed by (D)), will show there is no problem. Now that Congress has been overthrown, notice the problem has already gotten better? Same with homelessness...not a word was said during the 90s.

Beano is an enzyme you put a few drops of on your first bite of food. It's supposed to counteract the gaseous properties of beans and other fart-inducing foods.

I'm well aware of that. YOU stand behind one of 'em. YOU put your trust in Beano for somethin with 4 bellies and God knows how much plumbing.