attention sam fisher!


New Member
Welcome. :)

Dude, tell me the truth--do you really do work for 2advanced or is that just a favorite website? Saw it in your profile and recognzied it from the, oh, 2000 times my boyfriend has been there. Very distinctive sounds when you enter the site.
sam has listed as his homepage which is a kick-ass website that my boyfriend drools over. Rusty is a web designer/developer also and really likes the use of Macromedia Flash on it, among other things. I just wanted to know if he actually worked for them or if he put it as his homepage because he really liked it too.
Hello Mates!
I didn't even see this thread..i'm a goofus.
it's niced to be welcomed. isn't my personal website. but it is the shiz.
i guess i should change it to mine..
thanks and peace