Gonz said:
If he had my point of view, and his money, he'd be Emperor in no time.

And if I had his money and my point of view, I'd never be seen in public again until the glorious secession was complete.
tonksy said:
I am soo moving to Scotland.

Temperatures in Scotland are generally a few degrees cooler than in England. For example, the average daily maximum temperature at Glasgow in July is 19°C compared with 22°C in London.

July and August are normally the warmest months in Scotland. The highest temperatures normally occur inland.

The highest air temperature recorded in Scotland was 32.9°C at Greycrook in the Borders in August 2003.

The average number of days with sleet or snow falling in Scotland ranges from around 20 or less near the west coast to over 100 days in the Cairngorm Mountains and some other high peaks.

On Ben Nevis, Britain's highest mountain, snow cover can last for six or seven months of the year.

Average winter temperatures
To a large extent, winter temperature in the British Isles is influenced by the surface temperature of the surrounding sea, and as the North Sea is cooler than the waters off the west coast, the east coast is generally slightly cooler in winter than the west coast.

January and February are the coldest months. The daytime maximum temperatures over low ground in January and February average around 5 to 7°C, but can reach up to around 15°C when an airflow warms up after crossing the mountains, an Alpine effect known as the föhn.

The lowest temperatures occur inland, away from the moderating influence of the sea. In 1982 the temperature fell to -27°C, the lowest recorded in Britain, at Braemar in Aberdeenshire. Coastal areas do not experience such cold nights.

You wanna reconsider that?