Avatar Appreciation

i am currently sporting the black and white over the shoulder looking chick that sharky thinks is...oh, what's her name? ....ronnie....somebody...and i kinda agree with him...squiggy put the santa hat on her and i love it. i think my av is great.
mine is an adjusted photograph i took through a half-finished birmingham bullring shopping centre. originally it also had the selfridges reflected in it but it looked better without.

my fav avs have to be the 'mulletman' jr pic, or my ris roadsign from oslo :D
tonks said:
i am currently sporting the black and white over the shoulder looking chick that sharky thinks is...oh, what's her name? ....ronnie....somebody...and i kinda agree with him...squiggy put the santa hat on her and i love it. i think my av is great.
Yours reminds me of the crazy girl on Gothika for some reason...
Mine is Bunchies, I just gave him a santa hat. I'm using it cause it's Bunchies.

I love your av, Rose, :brow:

but I'd love it even better if you were in it ;)
Mine is my mouse

I am using him cause I saw him and thought he was cute, then found out he was Jas101's but Jas let me keep him cause he says he knows I will take good care of him.

Mousey is currently sporty a santa hat for the festive season. moof gave it to him last year :)
For the longest time, I had a little picture of myself in some sort of "thinker" pose, looking like I'm deep in thought with my chin resting on the V my thumb and index finger form. But, no more.

I was on someone's livejournal (I think it was a live, might hve been a deadjournal but I think it was live) once and found a picture of a little kitty with its paws in the air and a gun pointed at it. I thought it was so cute, I simply had to steal it, trim it to fit av guidelines and make the switch.
Mine is the devil from the simpsons, because i am constantly called evil and i like the simpsons.
mine (below) was one that i started for last wednesday's av thingie, i liked it so much i decided to keep it for the holidays, adam sandler and the goat become rudolph and seize santa.

oh yeah, great av rose, for some reason i figured it was a pic of you.
freako104 said:
evil the big yellow face was the one I used at jjr's. i still love that one. Currently I am using Squall which is a video game character from Final Fantasy 8 and I am a fan of that game. and I thought this looked cool so I chose it

Hey, I finally got around to playing it... I'm about 1/2 way through, I think. Prefer 7, but it's pretty good. :)
I've been wearing this 'shroom forever. Friends at JJR's gave him the gift of sight. Since then, I've been given all kinds of makeovers, including a mummy 'shroom for halloween, and various x-mas 'shrooms. But the original reminds me of those friends, so I don't change often, or for very long.

The original 'shroom was picked because I'm usually kept in the dark, and fed shit.

Rose, troll: Great tits, I mean pics.
Main Entry: av·a·tar
Pronunciation: 'a-v&-"tär
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit avatAra descent, from avatarati he descends, from ava- away + tarati he crosses over -- more at UKASE, THROUGH
1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu)
2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person

:nerd: :lloyd:
Main Entry: 1 oh
Pronunciation: (')O
Function: interjection
Etymology: Middle English o

1 -- used to express an emotion (as surprise or desire) or in response to physical stimuli
2 -- used in direct address <oh, waiter! Will you come here, please?>
3 -- used to express acknowledgment or understanding of a statement
4 -- used to introduce an example or approximation
