Bad bad bad bad bad child


Staff member
I got up to find him on the puter today.

Fiddling with settings.
And he put me back to Windows default fonts and colours.


*gasp* *horror of all horrors*

Windows sounds!!!! :crying3:

*runs from room sobbing*
I still suggest some random snooping soon. He mighta beat ya to the punch...this time.

I'm no computer wizard though, you guys probably know a hundred ways to cover tracks that would never dawn on me a mere mortal Internet navigator.
My kid goes & looks for cheats, etc for his games. He's yet to come across a site that cums across... Between Dragonball Z & Simpsons stuff, he needs a job in bad anime. As long as the computer is in a room with supervision, they ought to be relatively safe.
HomeLAN said:
Can you say "keystroke logger"? I knew you could.
Sore subject. ;)

My boss has a scheduled task that runs on his daughter's computer. After a certain time (her bedtime), it reboots every minute that it's on. I thought that was pretty cool. :D

You could also setup restrictive logons for them and get some software to prevent them from surfing to adult content sites. Then you don't have to snoop, you know they aren't doing anything you don't want them to.

Unless one of them aspires to be a computer hacker. Then you're in real trouble. ;)
Yep, the kids account on my computers don't allow them access to IE or firefox. There is a workaround, if you open outlook you can surf there, but they haven't figured that out yet.
PT said:
Yep, the kids account on my computers don't allow them access to IE or firefox. There is a workaround, if you open outlook you can surf there, but they haven't figured that out yet.

That's where NTFS comes in, deny read priviledges of outlook to those users ;)
Not until they figure it out. For now it lets me use their log on if I need to.

And the NTFS Priveledges is how I denied them access to IE and Firefox. Just deny all rights to the exes and you're set.
Leslie said:
no, that's what I get for not making them use it :lloyd:

Then that's what you get for not password protect your account or for giving them the password :p
PT said:
There is a workaround, if you open outlook you can surf there, but they haven't figured that out yet.
You can surf in Windows Explorer too. If they want to find a way, they will.

History is a problem, so is recent, cookies, temp folders, the drop-down list of URL's and the documents folder in the start menu. I read an article about that, all the places you can find things.