Bad day....blech, who cares.


<b>mod cow</b>
Yeah people, that's right! I'm having one of those regular bad days. My haircut really sucks, so does my handwriting. And I've been drinking too much.
Normally I'm paranoid and hate seeing myself on the Internet. But at the moment I don't care. Too depressed...see that smile? It's fake.


Or something like that.



bad day.jpg, 53.96kb


smokin' yeah.jpg, 52.79kb

You actually remind me of someone ... but I can't put my finger on it ... an actor .. or maybe a singer ...
Reminds me of someone too! I don't know who but it must be someone who is sexy!
Why is it that people who take pictures of themselves while at the computer never look at the camera?? :p

Btw, you really are a cutie. No bullshit. :)

Now look at the camera and give me a real smile babyface! Like this-----&gt; :D
I'll take that :D-picture once I really am wouldn't be a good thing to take it now :D

And thanks for the kind words, they really make me feel better :)
*bounces through thie thread nekkid* (I hope that makes you feel even better!)
Nixy said:
Oh, I am completely nekkid ;)

Now that is a mental picture I don't mind!

unclehobart said:
Whoa... Art Garfunkel hair. :cocktail:

I'm getting a haircut in 45 minutes :D
If things turn out well I'll show that too :D

BTW ~ funny that this thread has gone from me being half drunk and depressed into people running nekkid all over the place :D
Oh, and in my opinion there is nothing wrong with Art Garfunkel, in case you might wonder :p

Just his haircut.
*puts on a pair of socks* (I thinkit's sexier to be comepletely nekkid but be wearing socks then to have nothing on)