Bailout could exceed $23.7 TRILLION

Lovely - 4 opinion pieces with no actual links to any budgets or allocation numbers..the first three are effectively the same opinion posted in three sites, and the last doesn't even bother to go through the trouble of reposting someone else's 'facts'

That's laugheable, Frodo.
Conservatives are rarely interested in solutions, just making money hand over fist, and leveling blame.

Wow, that's an insightful opinion that really brings some new perspective to this debate. Glad that you can contribute so much. Spike and I were just wasting time debating facts before you came along and offered a detailed observation that really clarified the heart of the disagreement.
Wow, that's an insightful opinion that really brings some new perspective to this debate. Glad that you can contribute so much. Spike and I were just wasting time debating facts before you came along and offered a detailed observation that really clarified the heart of the disagreement.

You were doing what you always do; injecting the discussion with your naive assumptions and the conservative talking points you get off Fox News. Don't flatter yourself, because you really don't have any really enlightening posts, or very much understanding of the situation.

What you propose is that we go far deeper in debt to have some planes to add to the world's largest air force? Granted our army and ground equipment could use some help, but it's not as if we have so much need of more planes at the moment. I am sure there will be a time for it but it isn't now. I realized it is important to guys like you that we look like the tough guy on the block, but a few more expensive planes aren't gonna make the difference. I'm sure you are used to mommy and daddy buying you any damn thing you want, but the government just doesn't work that way son.
We don't need "de planes"

'Cos the enemy has already been handed access to our vitals. :shrug:

Alright, alright.........just look at that little white toofer sticking out........and those little pink paws.........kiss, kiss, kiss.......just so coooot.
Conservatives are rarely interested in solutions, just making money hand over fist, and leveling blame.

Quit making new laws that could be covered by old laws & doing stupid shit like trying to nationalize healthcare & we'll be quiet.
Looks like it has to do with higher population counties but go ahead and make up whatever makes you feel good.

You were never very good at statistics, were you.

In 2008, 872 counties supported Obama during the election. Each received roughly $69 in stimulus per person. Of the 2,234 counties that voted for John McCain, the average was $34.
Lovely - 4 opinion pieces with no actual links to any budgets or allocation numbers..the first three are effectively the same opinion posted in three sites, and the last doesn't even bother to go through the trouble of reposting someone else's 'facts'

That's laugheable, Frodo.

Sorry, I thought you knew how to follow links. Place your cursor on the following line and push the left button on your mouse (unless you have set up your mouse for left handed use, in which case you would push the right button). Let me know if you need more help.
You were doing what you always do; injecting the discussion with your naive assumptions and the conservative talking points you get off Fox News. Don't flatter yourself, because you really don't have any really enlightening posts, or very much understanding of the situation.

What you propose is that we go far deeper in debt to have some planes to add to the world's largest air force? Granted our army and ground equipment could use some help, but it's not as if we have so much need of more planes at the moment. I am sure there will be a time for it but it isn't now. I realized it is important to guys like you that we look like the tough guy on the block, but a few more expensive planes aren't gonna make the difference. I'm sure you are used to mommy and daddy buying you any damn thing you want, but the government just doesn't work that way son.

Naive assumptions? Am I the only one that finds it suspicious that the president who is on the biggest spending spree in american history can't find room in his unlimited budget for a few measly fighter jets?

It wasn't "Hey, guys, cut the military budget a little bit, and I'll pass it"
It was "Remove the F-22, and I'll pass it"

What specifically is so evil about the F-22 that the only military budget cuts are for F-22s, and no cuts are made in other areas?

I'm just asking questions. Questions that you are having a tough time answering, without instantly labelling me as a conservative nutjob and launching into a barely intelligible string of how conservative nutjobs are trying to ruin the country and how I'm too young to be able to think rationally.

You're so brainwashed by your party of choice that you can demonize every little thing that the other party does, while worshiping your own party as being completely perfect. You don't want to admit that the "new car smell" has worn off of Obama, and now some of his decisions are coming into question. He's not an infallible superhuman. He's made some good decisions, and he's made some bad decisions, just like every president before him.

It's funny how moderates can't have a discussion on a specific presidential policy or statement that doesn't sound right without a little bit of "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE HOLY ONE?" followed by pointless rambling about how Bush is a monkey, Dick Cheney planned 911, and conservatives are cruel monsters who drink the tears of orphans.
Conservatives are rarely interested in solutions, just making money hand over fist, and leveling blame.

Liberals have the solution. Have the Conservatives make money hand over fist and hand it over to Liberals who will level blame at the Conservatives for not providing enough money to satisfy Liberal's needs.
You were never very good at statistics, were you.

"In 2008, 872 counties supported Obama during the election. Each received roughly $69 in stimulus per person. Of the 2,234 counties that voted for John McCain, the average was $34."

Pay attention a little. I said it looks like a lot of it has to do with higher population counties which has nothing to do with the per person quote of yours.

Denser population areas typically have more infrastructure and things like airports and such.

Bottom line is you were unable to prove your claim.
Sorry, I thought you knew how to follow links. Place your cursor on the following line and push the left button on your mouse (unless you have set up your mouse for left handed use, in which case you would push the right button). Let me know if you need more help.

Yes...I even program and design the damn sites sometimes.

The link above, and referenced in the 3 sites I commented on all go to the same article (As re quoted above - thank you)

That particular article states this about the Red/Blue percieved budget schism
Investigators who track the stimulus are skeptical that political considerations could be at work. The imbalance is so pronounced — and the aid so far from complete — that it would be almost inconceivable for it to be the result of political tinkering, says Adam Hughes, the director of federal fiscal policy for the non-profit OMB Watch. "Even if they wanted to, I don't think the administration has enough people in place yet to actually do that," he says.

"Most of what they're doing at this point is just stamping the checks and sending them out," Hughes says.
Liberals have the solution. Have the Conservatives make money hand over fist and hand it over to Liberals who will level blame at the Conservatives for not providing enough money to satisfy Liberal's needs.

I thought Obama promised change. :shrug:
Pay attention a little. I said it looks like a lot of it has to do with higher population counties which has nothing to do with the per person quote of yours.

Denser population areas typically have more infrastructure and things like airports and such.

So, you're saying that denser populations have more infrastructure, but not more people to spread the cost out on a per capita basis. Interesting logic.
Actually I didn't say that at all. But larger cities have denser infrastructure, mass transportation, etc that small towns just don't have.

Bottom line you were quite wrong in accusing Obama of playing favorites:

"Most of that money has gone directly to state governments, which then disperse the money to prevent school layoffs, repair roads and fund social services"

"Much of it has followed a well-worn path to places that regularly collect a bigger share of federal grants and contracts, guided by formulas that have been in place for decades and leave little room for manipulation."
"Most of that money has gone directly to state governments, which then disperse the money to prevent school layoffs, repair roads and fund social services"

After all, the Constitution says right, ugh, says....say....sumbitch, that's not the job of the federal government. Too bad. Gotsta give it back.