

New Member
Baseball kicks off another season. Anyone getting into a lather over it? Anyone think Bonds will make it to the end of the season without some kind of censure? Does baseball actually care about steroids, or is it all just smoke and mirrors for show? Homeruns sell tickets after all.


Well-Known Member
not getting into a lather over it, but i am curious to see how the new team will be seeing as they replaced more than half the team over the winter.
i see Bonds retiring before the season is over as a way to avoid any further scrutiny and as an effort to prevent the asterisk next to all his "records".
i dont think its all homeruns. the larger than life personalities that play the game are what sell the tickets. big name pitchers sell as many tickets as the homerun kings.
as far as the steroids go, MLB is acting like a kid that got caught in the cookie jar. "nuh-uh. i didnt do it." they will deal with it eventually. hopefully sooner.


molṑn labé
Staff member
I'd like to be excited but we are triangulated by the Cubs, the Tigers & the Reds.


New Member
I say that homeruns make the money because the pre McGwire single season homerun race years were quite lean. The little chase between Sosa and he singlehandedly made baseball 'froth at the mouth' popular again... until the Yankees started winning everything again... then it went right back to hell.


Southern Discomfort
I love baseball, so I'm glad it's back.

Barry Bonds is the guiltiest innocent man I've ever seen. He makes OJ look positively cherubic.

I'm a Rangers fan, so I don't get rabid about the season starting back. Just counting the days until they break my heart again.


New Member
My Brewers are selling hope. SI picked them 2nd in the division, behind St. Louis. I'm a little worried about the hype to be honest, anything less than 85 wins will be a disapointment.


New Member
Thank God, real sports returns. Football is OK I guess, but I caught about 4 games all season, and it was enough.

SI has the cards taking out my Braves in the LCS. I think that may be a little optomistic.


Well-Known Member
unclehobart said:
I say that homeruns make the money because the pre McGwire single season homerun race years were quite lean. The little chase between Sosa and he singlehandedly made baseball 'froth at the mouth' popular again... until the Yankees started winning everything again... then it went right back to hell.

though the froth at the mouth popular stuff has never been a problem in Red Sox Nation.


Well-Known Member
unclehobart said:
I say that homeruns make the money because the pre McGwire single season homerun race years were quite lean. The little chase between Sosa and he singlehandedly made baseball 'froth at the mouth' popular again... until the Yankees started winning everything again... then it went right back to hell.

I'd like to make a funny comment .... but you beat me to it.


Well-Known Member
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm a Rangers fan, so I don't get rabid about the season starting back. Just counting the days until they break my heart again.

Watching the game? Shall we start calling him Kevin Ho Park or Chan Ho Millwood?


New Member
Aaaaargh!! I've never seen so many freakin' one-run losses in my life! Losing Mazone may be the death-knell for the Braves, considering the starting rotation's performance thus far.

2 games under .500, and stuck in the middle of a series with the damned Mets. :(


New Member
Thats OK... so long as we still have Sid Bream.. erm... Glavine... uh... David Justice... really? when? that long ago?... wow... umm... Well... so long as we have Maddux, we will kick ass.... what? ... no way... urgh. Who is playing then? .... who?... never heard of him. Christ. Where did my Braves go...

Stop Laughing

New Member
I bet you guys miss Maddux too right now - won a 4-1 game last night and has an ERA under 1.20 so far this year, plus he had an RBI and a run scored last night. Pleasant surprise for us, yes, but if he's our ace for the year it's probably gonna be a long season 'cause we should have several better pitchers than him and the only reliable one is Zambrano.


New Member
We miss effective starting pitching, period. I think, though, that it's far more due to Mazzone's departure than any individual starter. We got 'em last night, so at least there won't be a sweep.


Well-Known Member
He's not managing. He's the pitching coach in Baltimore now, because his best buddy, Sam Perlozzo, is the manager there.


New Member
Yep! Good starting pitching 2 times out of three and we take the series with the Mets by the same margin.

I'd love to think this thing is turning in the right direction, but I'm scared to.