Basic guidelines

Only so many rules as to prevent this land of the free from becoming the land of chaos. Somewhere along the way we have to draw the line to save not only our own asses as a website but to save the people that visit it and contribute to it from coming to a hell hole.
true, but mabey we should conside setting a small piece of the forum in which there would be no rules.
Is there, or is there going to be..

A place to buy,sell, or trade here or xibase.
Not for commercial people, but individuals.
If it is already allowed, where do we put it?
I just read the AUP.

I didn't know I had to get permission to eat cheese.

How long do they lock you up for smuggling cheese?
I'm not adverse to porn or anything perverted. I think that if something might be offensive to somebody else, link to it with NSFW next to it (NSFW=Not suitable for work), so if somebody is on a public computer, they won't embarrass themselves.