
Deal...I will bitch about it though. Iran will fall under it's own weight & NK, I'm still unsure what the motivation is, ours or theirs.
Well, I'm not taking sides here, but lets assume for a moment the US is the underdog. What if the situation were reversed? What if a massive overwhelming army was trying to overthrow our government, killing our families, and trying to impose their choices and their way of life upon us?
Why is this the one that everyone has trouble with? I absolutely do not agree with what our government is doing right now, but I wouldn't try to overthrow it or see it overthrown. Granted the situation in Iraq is different, I promise you that a lot of Iraqis see us trying to impose our way of life on them. They have no understanding of what a free society is, no frame of reference. Why do so many of us expect them to?
Gonz said:
will bitch about it though.

Of course you will. I hope that freedom becomes addictive in other parts of the world. Then you can prove me wrong. That would sure be nice!
Postcode has given up all pretense of "liberating" them and would just like to see them all dead.

Your narrow mindedness still amazes me. No, I would not like to see them dead. Your just assuming it again. Anyone ever tell you what happens when you assume things?

They are the ones who are murdering our troops flav. I would like to see us use the same battlefield tactics they are, but were to fucking liberal for that. They are the ones who murder their own people. Some fucking culture that must be.... :retard:

Your absolutely right. If someone was invading my country I would take up arms. The situation is just a tad bit different. We have the privilage to say our thoughts here. Think the Iraqi's do? I don't see them telling us here that they would like to remain under the current rulers guide. I don't see them calling our invasion an atrocity. What I do see are them murdering their own people and now ours. War's a bitch. People fucking die. That's not the point. The point I am trying to make here is they are the ones who are murdering our troops. You seem to think that this is alright.

I didn't get into any of this BBS talk until they broke the law flav. I don't justify the war at all. On the contrary, I think it would be better if America drew back into an isolationist role in world politics. Let them come begging for American protection. They always do.

Let all the other fucked up countries kill themselves. I could give a damn about them.
PostCode said:
Now you tell me. Who's murdering who here flav. Come on. Tell me who is fighting a war and who's murdering?

although not directed at me i feel sadam is a murderer. he killed his own even if not in war.

PostCode said:
flav....were the only god damn country in the fucking world who even obeys the stupid ass Geneva Convention.

i thought Europe and the UN obeyed it? after all wasnt it mostly European countries that thought it up?
Europe isn't a country. Members of the E.U. don't even have militaries, so that is moot. The U.N. isn't a country either.
Jeslek said:
Europe isn't a country

its a contient i know that i said it because of the collection of countries. and the un is collective as well but for political reasons and is not a contient. try to see why i post as i do. im using them as the collective countries. too lazy to type all and dont know all. thank you
PostCode said:
The point I am trying to make here is they are the ones who are murdering our troops. You seem to think that this is alright.

Is it just me, or is there something wrong with this statement. First of all, troops, our troops are invading their country. Now how is it you murder enemy troops? They are defeding themselves from an enemy invasion. If it were Hitler invading Poland, and the Pols used simiar tactics we would have applauded their heroic effort. And don't tell me I'm wrong here! Everything is relative, lets not forget that. I feel bad that American soldiers are dying over there, but you know, we are the aggressors, our troops as you have described them are being killed, killed, not murdered. Lets not twist words to make it seem to be something that its not. Troops in a foreign land shooting and killing inhabitants of that foreign land can hardly be considered as victims of murder! Please, lets be a little bit rational here!
flavio said:
So are you for shooting all the surrendering soldiers or not?
I'll say this, if I was in that unit of Marines that got fired on by "surrendering" soldiers, then the next bunch of surrendering soldiers would probably have a few bullets in their heads. Now, if you want to look at it realistically, I really doubt that the majority of the troops over there even know that incident happened. They are probably recieving word from thier CO's to use extra caution when taking prisoners, and that is about it. Now the boys around where it happened? Yep, they know, and I doubt they take too many more prisoners in this war.
RD_151 said:
Is it just me, or is there something wrong with this statement.

not just you. as ive said i dont like situations like that but they pretended to surrender. they shot upon soliders after the white flag. that aint surrendering unless im missing something.
applauds PT a rational thinker has risen. there is wayyyyy to much assuming and filling in of spaces that dont exist.
some are reading partial or only what they want to to carry this conversation.
I did read the whole thread in btw. And IF they wavied their white flag then open fired, I think they should shoot them all (the ones participating). I don't have a problem with that, it is a war after all. Thats fine, its war, not a tailgating party. However, I don't see how it can be murder when they knew what they were getting into, and they volunteered for this remember. The Iraqi soldiers didn't even voluteer, they are the defenders, and many were probably drafted, they didn't choose this. Sure, the tactics aren't so admirable. But neither was it considered so when the British were used to lining up on the battlefield to fight a 'civilized war' against the 'Americans' during the revolutionary war. They (the 'Americans') used guerrilla tactics to fight them because the odds were so heavily against them they couldn't fight a then 'conventional war.' Nobody looks back and says "look that those bastard Americans, they weren't playing fair." You can be sure thats exactly what the British were saying at the time though. Its not murder, it may be violating conventions, norms, etc etc, but its war. Don't think we play by all the rules during war time either. If you think we do, if you think we are too high and mighty and without "sin" then you really buy into this America is always the 'good guy' shit waaaay too much! Reality isn't what the propaganda would have you believe! We do things that are "illegal" as well. Take for instance this war ;)
RD-Casualties of war is a fire fight which soldiers die.

Murder on the battlefield is when, under flag of surrender or truce, you ambush the enemy, using said flag or truce as a ruse.

Huge difference.
ok but gee as you keep saying about reality, the revolutionary war was over 200 years ago. so lets try and use more current affairs. the UN and geneva stuff wasnt around then.
No i dont think we are always the good guys. But i do believe that wether it happened now or if the UN had decided sadaam did have wmd we would have been the ones called upon to go in and clean up their mess. That unfortunately is the cold reality of it. being a stronger country does have its downside. like cleaning up what other countries cant.
PS RD my comment to PT about reading the whole post wasnt directed at you in general, just that there are many posting about things in this and other threads that are not reading just pulling 1 sentence and generalizing a persons beliefs on it. which is wrong.
Either way RD, you are still painting a picture that would make acceptable the killing of those waiving a white flag. I said it long before this thing started, WAR IS UGLY. All the rules go out the window when things are boiled down to life & death. Human nature can be tempered but it can't be denied. And war reduces you to the most primal instinct. SURVIVE.
PostCode said:
Your narrow mindedness still amazes me. No, I would not like to see them dead. Your just assuming it again. Anyone ever tell you what happens when you assume things?

Maybe this made me think that....

PostCode said:
Executed....time to stop playing nice and level all of Baghdad along with every other fucking city.
I'm just trying to argue the other side. Where would we be if everyone agreed? People need the occasional 'gad fly' to go against the grain and disagree with the generally accepted view. I can't say who is right. I don't have all the information! If I did, maybe my view would be different. None of us has all the information, not even our 'beloved' leader. We are guessing here in a lot of cases, particularly about the wmds! Once they are used, or found, maybe his case will be made, but until then...

Remember we started this, with little or no evidence. Yeah, he's a bastard, and you can find a number of reasons to 'justify' our actions, but nevertheless, most of the world is against us on this one. I wonder why that is? There is a time and place for patriotism. Patriotism is fine, but blind faith, I have a problem with that. Sorry! At the same time, I won't for one second deny the benefit I will derive from this if all goes as they think it will. Sure, I will reap huge benefits, as will all of you, and probably the rest of the world for that matter. The only question is, does the end justify the means? That is of course the same question you always have to ask yourself. Apparently many in the states believe indeed that it does. Time will tell!

I'd hate to think that we would just start mowing down everyone coming at us with a white flag because of one incident, and thankfully, thats not gonna happen. Call it liberal, call it weak, call it whatever, but in this case I think its just the right thing to do. If it becomes a general practice, then things are gonna change, but for one or two isolated incidents, its hardly justified to start shooting all those who surrender. As for the call to level all Baghdad, well, lets do a little cost benefit analysis on that one! We level all Baghdad, and what is the response from the rest of the people out there who hate us? Eventually they light up NYC, does that seem like a price you are willing to pay? What do we really gain from all this? What is the ultimate cost? Nobody knows, and that is the sad truth!

This preemptive war approach is risky, and quite unorthodox in itself. We'll see how it ends up, and I hope the geniuses in Washington know what they're doing here. If not... well, I hate to think of it!

To that end, I only hope this thing wraps up quickly without "leveling all of Baghdad!" Most importantly I hope that the world opinion doesn't take a drastic turn for the worst because of all this. We aren't invincible, even if it seems like it at times. 9-11 should make that quite evident!