
RD_151 said:
I'm just trying to argue the other side. Where would we be if everyone agreed?

Squiggy, we're not getting through here :D

RD_151 said:
Remember we started this, with little or no evidence.
Little or no PUBLIC evidence. Assuming Bush wants blood for oil, where does the liberal Blair figure in that?

RD_151 said:
does the end justify the means?
Assuming proof is there, yes.

RD_151 said:
This preemptive war approach is risky

Pre-emptive would be SA or NK. Iraq has violated innumerable conditions of surrender. (squiggy, don't start;) )
not at all

Gonz said:
RD_151 wrote:
I'm just trying to argue the other side. Where would we be if everyone agreed?

Squiggy, we're not getting through here
What Bush administrative aid initiated talks with Iraq and aided them in the advancing of their war against Iran? Remember, this was some time ago.