One detail about the game has to do with the single-player experience and how that will be improved. Initially DICE were very forthcoming with promises of new advanced AI making the single-player experience seem like a Co-Op mode but since then they have become very evasive regarding that aspect of the game. As far as that side of things is concerned most gamers have adopted a let's wait and see approach since single-player is not why BF is so popular.
Why would he need third-party drivers for a Microsoft joystick and a Microsoft operating system?MrBishop said:Re: your joystick...try 3rd party drivers. My old joystick didn't like XP either, but I found a driver at which gives me 90% usage... the only bit is that I can either use my top-hat to look around or I can use all the buttons. I usually give up the pinky-button on the handle for the top-hat anyday of the week
Raven said:Thats because Doom and UT are two very different kind of games from Deus Ex. Mindless blasting like that found in Doom will only get you so far in Deus Ex and leaping around all the time while firing rockets at the ground a la UT will just get you dead in very short order.
Deus Ex's strong point is that it can be whatever you want it to be. Stealth 'em got it. Tactical FPS? It's in there. Gung ho shoot first sod the questions blasting can also be pulled off albeit only in certain just isn't a 'twitch' shooter like the other two are.
And which preceeding Deus Ex do you speak of? The sequel takes place 25 or so years after JC's antics brought about the collapse.
Gonz said:Skill, ingenuity, planning & luck are required to play. Run & gun didn't work in the NFL either.