Beers for everyone


New Member
You are all invited to this thread to help me celebrate my engagement.

:beerdrnk: ... or if you'd rather, have a :cocktail:

Now, all I need is some male strippers and my bachelorette party will be complete :headbang:
Oh cabana boy? Pool boy? This is what we're paid for...Maestro, if you please...
*Takes off shirt*

*Dances Seductively*

*Takes off pants*

*Dances Seductively some more*
Sorry ma'am, I'm on duty. I can't drink. How about I just take something else off?
PuterTutor said:
Sorry ma'am, I'm on duty. I can't drink. How about I just take something else off?

Didn't you read your contract? It specifically reads, "All employees must always be in a semi-state of fdunrkenness so that they may be taken advantage of in any given moment."
kuulani said:
PuterTutor said:
Sorry ma'am, I'm on duty. I can't drink. How about I just take something else off?

Didn't you read your contract? It specifically reads, "All employees must always be in a semi-state of fdunrkenness so that they may be taken advantage of in any given moment."

would this be grounds for dismissal? What can he do to make it up[i/]? ;)
Thanks for the congrats everyone ... and thanks for the dance, gato & pt :D

You know, we are "trained" to want our men to get down on one knee and propose ... but when my fiance (that's weird, calling him that) got down on his knee in the restaurant, all I could think was, "oh no, quick get back up, people are looking." :D

I would never have expected my bf ... er, fiance ... to be so romantic, candlelit restaurant, flowers, a proposal on one knee, a jazz band playing in the background ... the very man who refuses to watch romantic movies with me. Ladies, they can be trained ;) :D
Awww that's sweet.

You're right, so many women I know said they were embarrassed when their fiancee proposed in some public place... The only times I was ever the center of attention in a restaurant, it was when Happy Birthday was being sung to me. And I loved it. :)

Must be a Leo thing... Enjoying being the center of attention... Right Na?? ;)
she was absophreakinglutely giddy when she got home ... it was so cute - weird, but cute :D .... I am sooo proud of my cousin ... I would have never believed him to be capable of all that romance :)

I'm gonna take a pic of the ring when ku'u gets back ... it's so original ...
But where will you go on the honeymoon? You already live in paradise!!