MrBishop said:SARS is not just in the Far's in Canada now.
* knows logically he's fine, but is desperately trying to not freak out cause Avery has a fever and a dry cough

MrBishop said:SARS is not just in the Far's in Canada now.
Sat Mar 29, 4:59 PM ET
TORONTO - Health officials closed a second Toronto-area hospital to new patients and said Saturday the number of probable or suspected cases of a flu-like mystery illness from Asia continued to increase.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - More than 100 people in one Hong Kong apartment block were suspected to have been infected by a deadly pneumonia virus, officials said on Monday, triggering fears that the killer disease was being spread through air or water.
At least two more people died from the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong during the day, taking the death toll in the city to 15 and to 61 worldwide.
A total of 213 people living in the Amoy Gardens housing estate were confirmed or suspected to be infected with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), of whom 107 are from Block E of the complex, Health Secretary Yeoh Eng-kiong told a news conference.
WashingtonPost said:Reuters
Monday, March 31, 2003; 9:46 AM
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Wall Street Journal called in an editorial on Monday for flights from China to be suspended to try to halt the spread of a deadly pneumonia that has killed more than 60 people in 15 countries.
The Journal said China has been negligent in not giving the World Health Organization full access to the information it needs to try to contain the disease, which appears to be highly contagious and may be spread through water droplets or air.
The most effective way to halt the spread of the disease would be for other countries to suspend all travel links with China until it has implemented a transparent public health campaign, the Journal said. The ban would have to include Hong Kong, which appears to be a major transit route for the disease, it said.
On Monday more than 100 people in one Hong Kong housing estate were suspected of having the disease. Authorities have quarantined more than 200 other residents in the block
The French authorities are advising against travel to Hong Kong or mainland China because of the outbreak of a deadly new virus.
Not with a bang, but a whimper--T.S. Elliot
SAN JOSE, Calif., April 1 (UPI) -- Fears that the fast-moving respiratory ailment known as severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, had broken out aboard an American Airlines flight from Tokyo were found to have been a false alarm Tuesday, but not before the aircraft and its passengers were detained for more than two hours in a safe corner of the San Jose airport.
Health workers in protective suits removed three people from Flight 128, which was kept a healthy distance from the terminal after five passengers and crew complained of symptoms similar to the mysterious disease.
Two of the passengers were found not to have SARS symptoms after being examined aboard the plane. The other three were checked out at a nearby hospital and cleared.
"They do not fit the criteria for SARS," said Dr. Karen Smith, assistant health officer for Santa Clara County. "Nobody on that plane had suspect SARS."