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Thulsa Doom said:ok so which 17% of me exactly is Jehovah's witness?
Well, I could guess......but that would be telling wouldn't it?
God said:Go forth and multiply.
I am watching.
Kinky one ain't ye?
Thulsa Doom said:ok so which 17% of me exactly is Jehovah's witness?
God said:Go forth and multiply.
I am watching.
AlladinSane said:He's always watching. Even when you masturbate...
Gato_Solo said:I masticate at least 3 times a day!!!
I was brought back to this thread by Luis. You have some interesting ideas, Alpha, did you ever read Kardec?AlphaTroll said:I do believe that we journey this world in a physical shell that will eventually die because of the physical frailty thereof. But that our souls move on to other plains - whether it be on earth, in another physical manifestation or to a higher plain - all depending on the amount of learning we did during this one lifetime. See, I have this idea that we all started off as parts of the 'greater being' and that some were sent to experience the world we call earth. But because of the nature of some experiences we have changed and forgotten our true selves. Our journey on this earth is, in a way, just a means to get back to that higher form we once were.
I also think that hell is a human creation - not the fires we were taught as children. To me hell is rather a state of ignorance where all simply accept what they are told without question. The painful part about it is when you finally do start questioning and having to break free from it.
That's exactly how it worksAs far as reincarnation goes - I think we do to some extent retain the knowledge we had gained from previous reveals itself to us in many ways - have you ever been able to do something that you have never done before without having to really think about how you are supposed to do it? Or had those de ja vouz experiences or anything of the sort? I think those are just ways of your deep concious reminding you of a past life.