Beware the cranky hobart


New Member
I'm fasting for three days. So far I am at the 22 hour mark. Grumpiness shall soon follow... but I should be too weak to take it out on anyone.
Ever since our crappy beer laws were repealed last summer, I have been imbibing at many too many sweet bottles of ambrosia of the gods that have become available. Also, a bit too much experimentation with yummy food instead of nutritious foods has led to the partial downfall of my recently semi-slender figure. I've departed from my 'comfort' area and feel like making a wicked clean slate wipe.

Also... because of the ceaseless rich diet, the very flavors of top notch quisine has become ho-hum. A wee bit of starvation should make even celery seem like gobbling a stick of butter when I'm finished.
Back on my 6 month rabid diet 18 months ago I was living on roughly 700 calories a day combined with a rather stiff level of exercise. I didn't really miss food... just variety.
Funny you should mention crankiness. I'm one raging bitch right now because of caffeine. I was making an attempt this past week or so to reduce my intake, and I did. I limited myself to one cup of orange pekoe tea a morning and felt fine. One day, I had no caffeine at all. I felt kind of sleepy, then worked out and got my energy back.

Then Tuesday night came. I had real estate class from 6-9 p.m. and tried to combat a surge of sleepiness that inconveniently came along at precisely 5:00 p.m. by drinking a Red Bull, which kept me up until 3 a.m. Last night I had another class that lasted even longer. I grabbed a Chantico from Starbucks during the break, which even the gal behind the counter advised would keep me up all night. It did. Fortunately :rolleyes:, I had plenty to do until 3 a.m. this morning as I came home to discover my computer (this one) had major problems due to various virii and spyware. Eleven anti-spyware installs and a couple of dozen reboots later, I went to sleep. :mad:

Today, I was determined to once again ween myself off the devil, so I just had the one cup of tea in the morning. As a result, I've been exhausted and bitchy all goddamned day. I was extremely nasty to my mother just now (which is difficult to avoid under the best of circumstances) for no reason in particular. I apologized, but she hung up kind of abruptly anyway. Oh, well.

Sorry to hijack your thread. Just had to vent.

BTW, are you literally eating nothing for three straight days? The only times I've ever done anything like that was involuntarily when I've felt sick to my stomach, as in recent weeks. Do you avoid exercise during this period? And, come hour 73, are you starved out of your mind, or used to the not eating? I know some folks do this to detoxify their bodies, but I've never tried it. Good luck with all that. :thumbup:
unclehobart said:
Back on my 6 month rabid diet 18 months ago I was living on roughly 700 calories a day combined with a rather stiff level of exercise. I didn't really miss food... just variety.

700 calories a day is about normal for most of the planet, so you'll lose inches. If you work out, though, you won't lose weight because you'll bulk up. I'm sure tonksy will enjoy it, though... :lloyd:
700 is normal?? Nnnno. That's only for massive weight loss benefit. Unless, of course, that's what you meant? Men, to maintain thier weight, should consume an average of 1300/day. N'est pas??
Spirit said:
700 is normal?? Nnnno. That's only for massive weight loss benefit. Unless, of course, that's what you meant? Men, to maintain thier weight, should consume an average of 1300/day. N'est pas??

Some folks live on only 3000 calories a week...just over 425 calories a day... and not have a drastic shift. It depends mostly on 2 things...

1. Genetics
2. Body Mass

Unc is a strapping young man, so, at around 700 calories a day, he would lose, max, around 8 pounds a week. It also depends on how active he is. If he's sedentary, he could actually maintain the weight he has. There is no great mystery to weight loss anyway. Eat less and exercise. :shrug:
abooja said:
BTW, are you literally eating nothing for three straight days? The only times I've ever done anything like that was involuntarily when I've felt sick to my stomach, as in recent weeks. Do you avoid exercise during this period? And, come hour 73, are you starved out of your mind, or used to the not eating? I know some folks do this to detoxify their bodies, but I've never tried it. Good luck with all that. :thumbup:
Don't worry about hijacking. Your tale is along the same vein.

I am consuming no calories for three days. All I am planning on having is black coffee, green tea, and water.

I am actually restarting my mothballed exercise program. I shall only be doing 5 miles a day on the treadmill until my body get used to the rapid flip flop and relearns how to discarge fat rather than pack it on. Then I should pick up the pace to 7-10 miles a day. I would do more... but who has the time?

I figure the starvation reflexes to chill out after 50-60 hours. After that the body kind of hits a smooth resignation effect... like a runners high.
Gato_Solo said:
Some folks live on only 3000 calories a week...just over 425 calories a day... and not have a drastic shift. It depends mostly on 2 things...

1. Genetics
2. Body Mass

Unc is a strapping young man, so, at around 700 calories a day, he would lose, max, around 8 pounds a week. It also depends on how active he is. If he's sedentary, he could actually maintain the weight he has. There is no great mystery to weight loss anyway. Eat less and exercise. :shrug:
My exercise level at its peak was working out to a daily caloric burn of 3000 or so. Add that unto the basic metabolic maintenence levels that the body consumes just sitting there, add back the light calorie load ... and it comes out to about a pound a day like Gato says.

When I was at my worst point 18 months ago, my intitial week of weight loss was 18 pounds ... but I am a good bit lighter now than that starting point of old. I should still see a good 10 pound loss for the week as the body ejects excess sedentary tissue water. Its a fakey weight loss for the most part in the first few days.
Please be careful. I dunno much about other body types, but I was told that 1200 a day for me with my old workout plan was insane and that I would look like Calista Flockhart, and when you saw me, I was NO Calista Flockhart.
From what I understand as a quick and dirty rule, 100 calories per day per 10 pounds of weight with medicore exercise to maintain a given weight.
absolutely, 700 is far too little.

I was told 1200 for me too is barebones minimum.
unclehobart said:
From what I understand as a quick and dirty rule, 100 calories per day per 10 pounds of weight with medicore exercise to maintain a given weight.

Well than the person who told me this was way wrong. I weighed in at 120 when they told me that. I was also doing a moderate workout including weights.
Spirit said:
You're lookin' pretty hot, Rob - I remember the Rob of August 200x?? Hot then, hotter now.
that's what i say. he either doesn't listen or doesn't believe...but if this is what he wants to do...okey dokey.