

Staff member
I read this tonight...

the ever-wonderful Green Lady said:
I think these days people saying they have considered or tried committing suicide has become "cool". Just like everyone is bi now. I think saying either when it's not true is stupid.

made me think some.

It's something I've just fallen into myself...and I don't quite know why...but I have to say it feels like it was meant to be...kinda the attitude - it's an orgasm, who cares where it comes from.

but it's not something I'd have ever thought was cool or hip or "in"...not something I'd have admitted to before it "was" and it's something I've not really said openly before. Maybe I'm old...I still have a huge "uncool" "hide it" feeling about it...but I'm over it now.

so what is it? cool? uncool? is anyone else feeling as ponderous or brave as I am?
i think it is cool now. maybe thats because it's becoming more acceptable and now it's just seen as something the bad girls do. i dunno. i think the common misconception is that having a bisexual experience makes you a bisexual. people may feel the need to investigate or explore their sexuality but then thats it and then some people are attracted sexually to both sexes all the time. i have never had any experiences with girls. it just never came about and i don't know what i would have to say if it did. knowing me as i do, i would think that i would do whatever felt right at the time. i don't feel sexually attracted to any girls i know, not really. hmm...
but it's not something I'd have ever thought was cool or hip or "in"...not something I'd have admitted to before it "was" and it's something I've not really said openly before. Maybe I'm old...I still have a huge "uncool" "hide it" feeling about it...but I'm over it now.

If not for nothing i respect you for your addmittance because for some it can be hard to be true to their feelings.

but I have to say it feels like it was meant to be...kinda the attitude - it's an orgasm, who cares where it comes from.

Most straight guys love this attitude in women.

so what is it? cool? uncool? is anyone else feeling as ponderous or brave as I am?

I doubt many would admit it for the first time of their open sexual nature here....but it's quite respectable that you did.
Leslie said:
I read this tonight...

made me think some.

It's something I've just fallen into myself...and I don't quite know why...but I have to say it feels like it was meant to be...kinda the attitude - it's an orgasm, who cares where it comes from.

but it's not something I'd have ever thought was cool or hip or "in"...not something I'd have admitted to before it "was" and it's something I've not really said openly before. Maybe I'm old...I still have a huge "uncool" "hide it" feeling about it...but I'm over it now.

so what is it? cool? uncool? is anyone else feeling as ponderous or brave as I am?

i think its only "cool" if its real. some girls ive known feign it to get attention. and your too beautiful to be old ;)
I'm fairly sure i'm straight, but then again i'm only 16, you never know... :winkkiss:
I have no problem with gay/bi guys, except when they come on to me. But it's kinda nice knowing i'm liked by both genders... ;)
im glad its pretty much only women who come onto me. and by the time i was your age i knew i was straight ;)
Sorry Les...Even if I was gay, I certainly wouldn't come out to this're ballsy to do so, even if you're missing the equipment, if not the attitude :)

Kudos for you!

Well Brittany and Madonna kissed and "TATU" make it part of their act ,so rather than cool or uncool ,I'd say its "trendy".Thats about all I have to say,as I can't speak from experience other than when I've gone out with a group of friends and a couple of the ladies get smoochy just to get a reaction.
I can't say that I have ever had the occasion but I think in this day and age it's not frowned upon like it used to be, So each to their own. And like others I don't really know how I'd react to being propasitioned by another female. Go with the flow I think but I don't know. :D
It's rather difficult to say nowadays - bisexuality has been popularised by TV & film to an extent I think (Cruel Intensions - the 'lesbian' kissing scene being voted best snog scene that year for MTV Awards. LA Law - remember the fuss with the scene where Abbey & the other woman kissed in the parking lot? Madonna & Britney, etc, etc, etc). Obviously more where it's girl on girl action rather than two guys getting it on & then going back to their g/f's or wives. IMO this has possibly ensured greater understanding re bisexuality being someone's choice & having bugger-all to do with anyone else, however it has given rise to a new 'trend' i. e psuedo-lesbianism / psuedo-bisexuality - girls who get snogging and whatnot with other girls for the sole purpose of feeding a male fantasy.
Fact of life... I'm bi, not because it's trendy simply because I am and I can say it here.

IRL I've mentioned it to my mother, my sister and my ex knew and I've discussed it at length with a couple of very close friends, apart from that none of my neighbours, aquaintances, workmates, etc. know.

Would it make them act differently towards me... possibly... I don't know, but I wouldn't call this a particularly progressive area when it comes to sexuality. Do they need to know... I don't think so.
With women it is cool because men love it and everyone is doing it now. The few men who claim it and aren't (I know a few) are doing it for attention. Many people do it to expierment but think that being bi is simply about having sexual interactions with the same sex. There is a curiosity about it and sometimes people will say things in order to be cool.

Most of it is for attention. I think the true meaning of bi is believing that love has no gender. In order to be in love and have a realtionship with someone, there has to be a physical attraction and a sexual chemistry. People do not believe this. These are the people that refuse to accept that I am bi since I am dating a man. Oh well. Anyway...
Then they obviously don't understand what the term bisexual really means and are confusing it with being lesbian. I admit I'm old-fashioned though and prefer monogomous relationships, but that doesn't stop me from feeling attracted to other people of both sexes... I just don't act on it when I'm in a committed relationship. :)
ah, who cares why people kiss people? it's fun, they are doing what they want to do and they are having fun. just because you kiss a girl, for whatever reason, doesn't mean you have to become a card carrying carpet muncher. everyone needs to get the knots out of their knickers and ask themselves...does any of it really matter? if i kiss a girl and i am not bisexual, is your little clubhouse going to fall down around your sensible shoes? i don' t think so, stop acting like you cornered the market on female sexuality. i don't like to have rules enforced on my sexuality by people who rewrote the book for themselves.