Biden bristles at tough questions. All interviews cancelled at Orlando station.

It runs from 10% - 35% ... certain loopholes were closed, but certain other loopholes that the rich take advantage of while the poor can't grew. Dividend, capital gains, inheritance etc...
i'd prefer a flat tax myself, but gee, wally, an additional 3-5% tax on income over $250k (or whatever the scheme is, exactly) in not going to discourage anyone that is a serious mofo... but it may serve less motivated individuals in rationalizing their lack of performance.

when your household income reaches $250k/year, you let me know. then you can complain. :dizzy:

ROFL ... if that's the best you can do, there's no point in arguing .. you've already capitulated.

Gee, wally, since I`m not black or a woman, I guess I'm not entitled to voice an opinion on anything relating to them either, eh?
yep, under clinton 92-'95 I made about 32k/yr, ans it was 40%w/fica...
about 32% fed if I remember right, for single. That was bad enough.:blank:
ROFL ... if that's the best you can do, there's no point in arguing .. you've already capitulated.

ok thx bai peel you winner ha ha.

Gee, wally, since I`m not black or a woman, I guess I'm not entitled to voice an opinion on anything relating to them either, eh?

yes it's a grand conspiracy to oppress angry little white guys. why would you even say something like that? gotta get something off your chest?
yes it's a grand conspiracy to oppress angry little white guys. why would you even say something like that? gotta get something off your chest?

Nothing but a direct reply to your suggestion that my opinion shouldn't be voiced until I make over $250K. If you can't see the corolation between the two, I won't be excessively surprised
yep. any advocate of a progressive tax is some kinda wacky marxist.


Taking, by force (aka rule of law in some circles), one property or goods (income counts here) to give it to another, is marxists/socialistic. Having the state take over & run business makes it communist.

I'm glad you've read so much Marx. However, he wrote one especially important piece of work that has caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. His intention? Probably not. But the central idea was put forth by him & will forever carry his name. Tough shit.

This is 100x more powerful because it promotes individual liberty.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Taking, by force (aka rule of law in some circles), one property or goods (income counts here) to give it to another, is marxists/socialistic. Having the state take over & run business makes it communist.

Well crap, then ALL politicians that support any tax funded thing are Marxist. Either that or your definition is silly.
... certain loopholes were closed, but certain other loopholes that the rich take advantage of while the poor can't grew. Dividend, capital gains, inheritance etc...

Ironically, while the rich were away at play, their ranks swelled in the last generation. There are more "rich" today than any time in history. I wonder, if the rich are already rcih, then who is moving in?
Ironically, while the rich were away at play, their ranks swelled in the last generation. There are more "rich" today than any time in history. I wonder, if the rich are already rcih, then who is moving in?

Hey there's way more poor in the US now too. Just less middle class.

Kinda messed up huh?
Well crap, then ALL politicians that support any tax funded thing are Marxist.


Taxes, perhaps, could be used solely to fund the governments needs & all things that benefit the populace. Sharing the wealth is not the purpose of government.
So Bush, McCain and Palin are all Marxists. Great.

I think I'll stick to the real definition instead of yours.