Biden's Daughter Caught Snorting Cocaine

Wow! You reek of desparation!

Yes, it is a bullshit story. However, I recall all kinds of crap about the Bush twins & then the Palin family. If you attack one, expect to get attacked back. Just as long as Amy & Chelsey are off limits.
Holy cow, kids doing shit their parents wouldn't approve of. Whoda thunk it?????
Yes I make spelling mistakes on occasion! OMG! What a revelation that is! Mostly when I am tired or in too much of a hurry. I normally use a spell checker but I was on a different computer for a few days and did not have it installed. My original point had little to do with spelling anyway, I was more pointing out the fact that he seems incapable of capitalization and punctuation. But now being as I have gotten so bored of his insipid posts and his blatant personal attacks, and realized exactly what a waste of space he is, he is now ignored and I don't have to deal with him.

Besides, I don't need to get drawn into his silly game of personal attacks and get yelled at by the mods, especially when he is such a waste of time to begin with. I can't think of anyone here who is less interesting. I really am not sure why I gave it as much attention as I did. I'm sure I should just leave the guy alone because he probably gets beat up on enough in junior high anyway. I should show compassion.

smart assed 7th grader...or not
Bush's daughters got drunk a lot.
Palin's daughter got preggers.
Biden's daughter did some blow.

So what?

Does it effect anything at all? Not really.

Now is Bush was drunk on the job, or Biden did blow (on the job) then there is a story.

Palin...she can be pregnant all she wants.
but i do think a large chunk of us don't really care.

but blowhard joe's 27 year old daughter sniffing some powder.... hmmm... well i guess joe says a lotta stupid shit like he's on coke... but nah, this really isn't very entertaining.

so, was there a question or point you were trying to make in the original post, or was this just a "ha ha" thing? :erm:

You say you don't care? You voted for her dad.

When Michael Phelps was photographed with a bong in his hand, the sheriff of the county he was in threatened prosecution.

One would think her job as a state social worker is one that requires honesty, morality, and an occasional drug screen.

Ms. Biden is no kid -- she's the 27 year old daughter of the VP -- and she was filmed snorting coke. It would seem that criminal prosecution is in order here.

Alas. Only Limbaugh's Oxy story will stand the test of time.
You say you don't care? You voted for her dad.

When Michael Phelps was photographed with a bong in his hand, the sheriff of the county he was in threatened prosecution.

One would think her job as a state social worker is one that requires honesty, morality, and an occasional drug screen.

Ms. Biden is no kid -- she's the 27 year old daughter of the VP -- and she was filmed snorting coke. It would seem that criminal prosecution is in order here.

Alas. Only Limbaugh's Oxy story will stand the test of time.

she should be treated the same as anyone else who did that.

Now if there where 3 people caught on film, and 2 were arrested and she was not, you have a great story.

(I do not know if they can arrest her, we all KNOW it was coke, but they have to PROVE it was coke, and not baby powder she was snorting.)

As for criminal prosecution, isn't first offense 90 day rehab? (If you are white.)
It does not matter what was filmed. From a purely legal standpoint there is no case. For a case you would have to be able to prove it was cocaine and not something else. It wouldn't be possible. Legal prosecution.....In your dreams! Nobody cared about Bush's girls, nobody cares about this. It's tabloid fodder, thats all.

Oh wait, I forgot, you get all your news from tabloids don't you?
You say you don't care? You voted for her dad.

When Michael Phelps was photographed with a bong in his hand, the sheriff of the county he was in threatened prosecution.

One would think her job as a state social worker is one that requires honesty, morality, and an occasional drug screen.

Ms. Biden is no kid -- she's the 27 year old daughter of the VP -- and she was filmed snorting coke. It would seem that criminal prosecution is in order here.

Alas. Only Limbaugh's Oxy story will stand the test of time.


rush's drug addiction is funny because he's highly judgmental of other people. just like an evangelist getting caught sucking off boys is funny. don't get it yet? there is noting funny here.

no, i really don't care. she's been an adult for YEARS. she can make her own decisions and her own mistakes.

shit, i've done virtually every drug on the planet that doesn't involve a needle. big fucking deal. if i was all preachy and shit about not doing drugs, well, hey, then you got me. oh, wait, i'm not. and my past indiscretions should impact some relative of mine how? gee, maybe they should kick my former cousin-in-law out of the secret service because of me! who knows, maybe he could hook me up with the biden chick, and we could snort coke together!!! weeee!!!!


coke isn't worth the hangover, anyway. years ago, it was interesting to try.

so um yeah social workers have never used drugs and still done their jobs effectively rolling around on the floor laughing my ass off don't get out much do you?

She's the VP's daughter who's job is to rehabilitate troubled juveniles. Some role model. She's also a board member of the Delaware YWCA organization. She should think about the impressionable young children.

You'd think Ms. Biden would have enough sense not to snort coke in a room full of people one or more of who may be armed with a cellphone camera. And as luck would have it, it is not her first contact with illegal drugs. :shrug: I guess that's why they call it "dope." Nor is it her first contact with the the law.

The young woman is obviously out of control, her lack of judgement proves it; her father should quit his job immediately and pay more attention to his children.
The young woman is obviously out of control, her lack of judgement proves it; her father should quit his job immediately and pay more attention to his children.

she is 27.

also, turns out the tape has not been released yet...

imagine someone made this up?
"This isn't the first brush with scandal for Ashley, who was arrested in 2002 when she yelled at a cop trying to arrest her disorderly friend outside a Chicago club, according to published report.'

gee, who's never done THAT before at age 21? who has never been out-of-control drunk in chicago???

oh, right, cerise was at home baking muffins for grandma when she was 21.

Yes I make spelling mistakes on occasion! OMG!

So, is it:

Everyone makes mistakes, but I'd lay a dollar to a hole in a doughnut, that I make fewer than most when it comes to English and grammar.


Yes I make spelling mistakes on occasion! OMG! What a revelation that is! Mostly when I am tired or in too much of a hurry.

You tell everyone you are the Spelling King but then you reveal you use a crutch:

I normally use a spell checker but I was on a different computer for a few days and did not have it installed.......
