Big-ass vulture 1, my windshield 0


Well-Known Member
At least, I think it was a vulture. The guy that was in the truck behind me said the bird walked around for a sec and flew off.
I've heard this works pretty good for removing stains from upholstery.

I've heard this works pretty good for removing stains from upholstery.


Nah that stuff sucks compared to Spot-Shot (I kid you not...that's its name...half the time I call it "Shot spot" and don't even realize :lloyd: )
The arm's fine... the blade's broken, and the plastic bit that attached the blade to the arm is still attached to the arm, so I'll have to pry that out of there (it's one of those arms that is U-shaped at the end and the plastic part of the blade slides into that U). But the arm is fine.

Plus, the rainy season is about to start, so it was about the time I'd replace the blades anyway. We had a big thunderstorm go through here about 3:30 this morning.
$500 deductible. My insurance carrier's approximate cost list shows the windshield as $280-ish. It wasn't worth even filing the claim.

Woah, my deductible for any window is 25% of its value.
I don't think there's any insurance company in quebec that doesn't have free windshield replacement, without deductible. And on top of that, most windshield replacement companies will come out and do it on sight free as well. When I was working on the road using a company truck, I'd just call it in and leave the keys with the reception desk. When they arrived, they got the keys, popped out the old, installed the new, and had the receptionist sign for the job. I didn't even have to file the claim, they did it all themselves.
Woah, my deductible for any window is 25% of its value.

I think ours has a glass deductible. Might check it out anyway.

I never filed a glass claim. Everything I've replaced (windshields, side glass) has cost about $150 each. Probably not worth it for you either.
$500 deductible. My insurance carrier's approximate cost list shows the windshield as $280-ish. It wasn't worth even filing the claim.

Frequently windshield repair is a special, cheap deal. Check with them.
I don't think there's any insurance company in quebec that doesn't have free windshield replacement, without deductible.

It's a state law in Florida. They (insurance) have to replace it free, no deductible, and it can't count as a claim. Even if it's just a stone chip.

Our windshields tend to get pitted badly from sandblast, which makes it hard to see when you're driving towards a low sun. Lots of people will smack their windshield with a hammer just to get a nice new clear one for free. I've never done that. No siree, not me. Nope. Never.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.