Big Brother


molṑn labé
Staff member
The thought police are watching YOU!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005


A Duquesne University sophomore said he will risk being expelled for expressing his view that homosexuality is "subhuman" rather than write a 10-page essay the university has called for.

Ryan Miner, 19, of Hagerstown, Md., was sanctioned by the university for posting his view on an online forum not related to the university.

He opposed an effort by other students to form a Gay-Straight Alliance group, an issue still being debated by the Catholic university.

"I believe as a student that my First Amendment rights in the Constitution were subverted and attacked," said Miner, who is Catholic.

After his comments appeared online, some students complained to the school. After a hearing, the office of judicial affairs found Miner guilty of violating the University Code which prohibits harassment or discrimination based on, among other groups, sexual orientation. The paper was assigned as punishment, which Miner said he will appeal.

What? He has been sanctioned by a private organisation for breaking their rules. How is that the "thought police?" The fact that he's going to a Catholic fucking university suggests being told what to think is his "thing."

Besides, describing anyone as "subhuman" can hardly be argued as not discriminatory. He broke the rules, he should serve his punishment or suffer the consequences of his petulance.
Because you dislike an opposing opinion to yours? You could, I don't know, discuss the issue?

I hope, for your sake, you live in your own bedroom, because there are a lot of people out there with different views from you and you can't click an ignore button to hide them away.

What has the "thought police" got to do with a private institution enforcing its own rules?
"I believe as a student that my First Amendment rights in the Constitution were subverted and attacked," said Miner, who is Catholic.


1. Duquesne is a private school. The First Amendment refers to the government and free speach.

2. Hold up, let me go get my Chatechism....there it is #2358. "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. They (homosexuals) do not choose their condition; for most of them it is a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition."
A private school, perhaps, but one that does not allow free thought? A business I can see,a school, though, is supposed to be a place where the free exchange of thoughts & ideas is suposed to not only be allowed, it's supposed to be encouraged.

On top of that, he's being punished for thoughts that were not directed at any person. Opinions are now subject to the PC police, even off campus?

Don't like his opinion? Don't read it.
the University Code which prohibits harassment or discrimination

Whom did he harass? Whom did he discriminate against?

More importantly, who are the pussies that went & told Daddy that Bobby said the f word? What kind of weak willed individual goes to the Dean over an opinion at a website?
Fundamentalist Christian schools do shit like this all the time, but it's usually in the opposite direction :shrug:
While I think that Mr. "gays are subhuman" is on his way to being a great bigot, and sounds like a moron, how can they punish him for something that he did OFF of school time and property.
Bobby Hogg said:
What? He has been sanctioned by a private organisation for breaking their rules. How is that the "thought police?" The fact that he's going to a Catholic fucking university suggests being told what to think is his "thing."

Besides, describing anyone as "subhuman" can hardly be argued as not discriminatory. He broke the rules, he should serve his punishment or suffer the consequences of his petulance.

the article said:
After a hearing, the office of judicial affairs found Miner guilty of violating the University Code which prohibits harassment or discrimination based on, among other groups, sexual orientation.

Gonz said:
A private school, perhaps, but one that does not allow free thought? A business I can see,a school, though, is supposed to be a place where the free exchange of thoughts & ideas is suposed to not only be allowed, it's supposed to be encouraged.

On top of that, he's being punished for thoughts that were not directed at any person. Opinions are now subject to the PC police, even off campus?

Don't like his opinion? Don't read it.
Rules are rules, and he broke the rules as set forth by the university. If it had been the Federal Government after him, I would agree wholeheartedly with the "thought police" angle.
It wasn't a university site he made his comments on.

He pays to go to school there presumably. He has a right to express his opinions same as anyone else. Just because they aren't popular makes no difference.

Note please that I have made no statement agreeing or disagreeing with his feelings. Just his right to express them.

If the school really had their tidy whities in a bunch, I think they'd do more than assign a stupid essay.

It's appeasement, nothing more.
Private institution. Their way or the highway. Didn't we just argue this about a girl who got expelled from a private school because she was adopted by lesbians?

Oh, yeah, there it is. There was a lot of support there for the rights of private institutions. Where the hell did it go?
paul_valaru said:
While I think that Mr. "gays are subhuman" is on his way to being a great bigot, and sounds like a moron, how can they punish him for something that he did OFF of school time and property.

A university code of conduct generally applies to anywhere, which is why you can be punished by your university for vandalism, say, off-campus, or any other anti-social behaviour that contravenes the rules. It's a way of up-holding the school's public image in the wider community.
Ryan Miner, 19, of Hagerstown, Md., was sanctioned by the university for posting his view on an online forum not related to the university.

This kind of thing happens in a corporate atmosphere all the time. You post negative comments about your company on a web-site and if they find out, you get turfed. Post racist statements, if the company that you work for hears about it and doesn't at least try to get you to remove them, they get smeared by the same brush. so, they either fire you or silence you.

Like it or not, what he posted as a student of a university, reflects on the University. They have to at least appear to publically denounce him, force him to retract, appologise, or punish him so that they don't get labeled as a school-full of gay-bashers.

Tough-titties, eh?
I'm still unclear on who or what he discriminated against or whom he harassed. It was/is an idea...not an action.