Big Brother

Gonz said:
I'm still unclear on who or what he discriminated against or whom he harassed. It was/is an idea...not an action.
Posting it is an action.
I'd like to know how removed from the University it was (the site, that is). Was it a site frequented by students? How did the student body find out? If they found out because he posted it and then told everyone about it in an email or something, he's advertising his position. If it was found through random surfing by a fellow student and was never meant to be deseminated to fellow students, teachers and staff...well, that's a different story.

Doesn't stop the story from spreading. Doesn't stop the University from being smeared. Universities run on their reputation.

Like it or not, the question that will be asked is "Did he learn this kind of thinking at school?" and "Was this part of the curriculum?"

I think that this is hardly over.
Posting it is an acton?


Day One:"I hate niggers" gets posted at a message board.
Day Two:at the office, two black guys come in & apply for a job. One eventually gets hired & the other (unqualified) doesn't. Is guy 2 discriminated against because Bob the twit hates niggers?
MrHR posts "I hate niggers" from work on a local site.

Next day: Two guys, one white and one black come in for a job interview. Both qualified but the white guy gets hired.
The black guy spots the posting by the guy who didn't hire him.
The shit hits the fan.
MrHR refuses to retract his post or appologize. The company doesn't fire him.
The company gets labeled as having racist hiring templates
The company goes out of business after being raped in the courts, and losing have their clientel because of the smear campaign.
200 employees join the job-less lineup

Was the company racist? Not likely...but they took the brunt because of one pin-headed employee and their lack of effort at cleaning up their image.
Don't change the sceario. It wasn't from work & the white guys that came in were also unqualifed.
Discussion and expression of all views are permitted within the University subject to requirements for the maintenance of order.
a. Support of any cause by orderly means that does not disrupt the operation of the University is permitted.
b. Public statements and demonstrations by individual members of the University community or organizations shall be clearly identified as representative only of those individuals or organizations and not of the University.

from the University Code.
What, specifically, is there relating to discrimination and harassment?

Also, there's no mention of the context in which the comments were made, anywhere. Where they made towards other students?
The point is...the university is going to get smeared with being anti-gay if they don't at least make some effort at punishing or trying to teach this student the error of his ways.

Like I said
Doesn't stop the story from spreading. Doesn't stop the University from being smeared. Universities run on their reputation.

Like it or not, the question that will be asked is "Did he learn this kind of thinking at school?" and "Was this part of the curriculum?"
It's a slap on the wrist. A cheap way of cleaning up the University's image. If they'd thrown him out of the school..that would've been going too far.
It was a private matter until the thought polive took over & a member of the media found out. Had nothing hapened, it would have affected nobody.
Like I said, anyone who chooses to go to a religious university is obviously quite comfortable with being told how to think.

Also, it was probably a private matter until this idiot decided to risk his position at the university, then go to the media for support.