Big date tonight...

Winky said:
so a guy that you'd melt over
A guy that everything going for him.
Great looks awesome bod
smarter than 99% of the people in the USA
(at least by the test results heh heh)

and he doesn't mess with skanks.

Now would you expect him to want to stick it in you and not call?

C'Mon if you see 'most' men like *all they want is a piece of ass*

doesn't that say something about you and not 'most' men?
First off, I don't give a crap about the things your average woman would care about -- looks, body, net worth.

Secondly, as much as I'd like to sometimes, I don't sleep around. I could count on one hand, in fact, how many sexual partners I've had.

I never said that most men only want a piece of ass, just that most men are able to get a piece of ass and not become emotionally attached as a result. Quite a difference.
"just that most men are able to get a piece of ass and not become emotionally attached as a result. Quite a difference."

and I disagree with that.
Winky said:
"just that most men are able to get a piece of ass and not become emotionally attached as a result. Quite a difference."

and I disagree with that.
Good for you. Too bad you can't present a better counterargument other than that you and your 17 year-old son aren't that way. :shrug:
Should I pull a Gonz and quote my previous posts in this thread?

Yeah Les sounds like it don't it?

Try this, how many Wimen's sit around and say all men are this and that One's that are single or divorced?

If you think most men are crap (any man that goes around plookin' Skanks IS crap) then I'd not give a plugged nickel for your chances of ever attracting a great guy.

What if?
What if I am right and “(most)” men are good and really want loving faithful fulfilling relationships with women they respect and admire?? Hmmm What if?
Winky said:
Should I pull a Gonz and quote my previous posts in this thread?
Which, these words of wisdom?
Winky said:
What good is a Les-bain alone?
Winky said:
You are clearly just trying to be difficult as I've stated nowhere that I think most men are crap.
Winky said:
Like I said before you'd make a lousy wife!
And this is why they say never to play with trolls. I'm sure I'm not the first to have told you this, but you're a Class A schmuck.
tank girl said:
I'm too young and beautiful to be alone :p

All I want is a bit of security, a bit of sincerity and someone to love - thats all.

Provide your own security, don't look outside yourself for sincerity & work on growing up. Take care of yourself, take care of your future & stop looking for someone to love & they'll appear.

Nothing is sexier than a self-confident woman who doesn't appear to need something.
Winky said:
And you my Dear
"would make a LOUSY Wife"
If your definition of a "LOUSY Wife" is a woman who would not tolerate your brand of nonsense, then I'd proudly wear the title.
no if you don't straighten your skewed vision of men out
you will either end up an old maid or in a failed relationship
because you attracted the totally wrong kinda guy?

Which will it be?
How is it that a fine husband such as you claim to be has so much time to waste irritating people on the Internet?

You're an incredible bore.
OK call me names
you'd still make a lousy wife
but since no one will marry you
I guess you are safe then huh?
abooja said:
Why is this confusing? You're a smart guy.

Okay, I'll put it another way. Most guys can fuck a chick one night and never think of her again. Most chicks cannot. (Although, admittedly, they seem to be getting better at it.)

I disagree. both sexes can fuck and leave