Sorry to interupt... but can I just say that the way men and women react to the act of sex is actually biologically predetermined...
*CB puts on lab coat and adjust glasses*
A long time ago... doing my psych module for my degree... a lecture I attended whilst still blind drunk.. banged on about summit like this...
Sex... although we as humans treat it as a recreational activitiy, is just mating after all... the normal result in the animal kingdom would be procreation. This is the root/crux of the problem.
The phereomones produced by the bloke and sensed by the woman during the act produces a temporary attachment to that bloke in the woman... perhaps "obsession" is a strong word... but we'll say bond!
The reason for this is quite obvious... in neolithic times if the coupling were to result in pregnancy then the woman (and child) would a better chance of survival
if she stuck around the bloke to provide meat through hunting and protect her from predation.
Hense on waking from a one-night-stand guys you may find the girl who you don't even know the name of... gently playing with your chest hair with a strage look in her eye, offering you a shiatszu massage and a full English breakfast already cooking away in the frying pan!!!
Blokes on the other hand are biologically programmed to spread their seed as far and as wide as he can... he doesn't want to be tied to one woman hunting all day and fighting off sabre tooth tigers. So he sees sex very very differently... there is no attachment response from him...
Hense on the waking up after a one-night-stand girls you'll generally find a huge damp space in the bed where the bloke once was... or in the best case scenario... you'll tickle his chest hair, give him the best massage he's had to date, he'll wolf down your eggs, sausage and bacon and then you won't see him for dust as he legs it out the door and down the street... never to be seen again!
So really its nothing to do with respect, or f**kwittage, or emotional bullshit... we women simply can't help behaving like sappy love struck numpties post coital experience... and men... you just can't help being BASTARDS!