Bigger Boobs??

Stale Cereal

New Member
Do you want bigger boobs? I heard this tip......Try rubbing some toilet paper in between them. I hear it works everytime.
I'd like to have bigger boobs, but then I'd probably stay home alot more.
Stale Cereal said:
Do you want bigger boobs? I heard this tip......Try rubbing some toilet paper in between them. I hear it works everytime.

hey I never heard that, but I know it worked on my ex's ass
Shit no, I deffo don't want bigger ones...but I'd be willing to share with some of the other ladies here if they want?
AlphaTroll said:
Shit no, I deffo don't want bigger ones...but I'd be willing to share with some of the other ladies here if they want?
How about the guys? :brow:
Did you ask nicely? Ye know, chicks don't like being told from the start that they'd simply be used as gotta sugar coat it a bit!
AlphaTroll said:
Did you ask nicely? Ye know, chicks don't like being told from the start that they'd simply be used as gotta sugar coat it a bit!
Right, offer to share the PS2, perhaps even get her her very own laptop. Sweeten the deal, man.
PuterTutor said:
Right, offer to share the PS2, perhaps even get her her very own laptop. Sweeten the deal, man.

Best way to sweeten that deal is to offer to let her hold the remote.
AlphaTroll said:
Best way to sweeten that deal is to offer to let her hold the remote.

:D Speaking of holding the remote...a date I went on last week ended in watching a movie at his place (and before all your imaginations go running away, NOTHING HAPPENED :p) and he...offered me the remote...:eyebrow: I just kinda looked at him and he was like "Do you want the remote?" and I was dumbfounded! But of course I took it!!

As for the sharing your boobs thing...I would like a bit more...please and thank you :brush: