Bin Laden Tape: Who Does It Hurt?

Luis G said:
C'mon Gonz, if you pay the same taxes then you should also have the same income and since you have the same income you should also work as hard as everyone else.

Welcome to socialism ;)

Good point :clap:
Progressive taxes means more taxes as you go up the scale. Not only in actual money spent but in precentage. Welcome to communism.

John Kerry:

Right for Terrorists

Wrong for America

If it was bin Laden on that video it would be easier for him to carry out Muhammed's plan of world domination if President Bush was out of the way: "I will never relent in defending America - whatever it takes."

Everything would be just a little easier if Ol' Slick Willie would've taken bin Laden when he was offered to the US.....
Gonz said:
Progressive taxes means more taxes as you go up the scale. Not only in actual money spent but in precentage. Welcome to communism.

There's no way to go up in the economic scale in communism.
HeXp£Øi± said:
You know in 1941 Joseph Poindexter allowed more deaths in Pearl Harbor than any other year in it's entire history. It was his fault wasn't it? After all he was the Territorial Governor.
You know whenever i hear someone make a statement like you just made their bias shines and i immediately shut them off. Anyone who comments on this subject without acknowledging the obvious fact that 9/11 had a devastating impact on our economy is either a: completely bias or b: has no comprehension whatsoever of just how the economy works.

gee thanks for being the poster child for idiotically missing the point given. that ANYONE can make ANY POINT with numbers and statistics. and really whats the point of screaming and yelling about numbers when numbers can show the COMPLETE OPPOSITE side for the EXACT SAME subject especially when its something as big and amorphous as the american economy. I guess you missed the part where I said “Its amazing how biased people on both sides can rework numbers to make things look anyway they want.” Youll notice the words “BOTH SIDES” there. Not “Its amazing how those damn republicans…” And I guess you also missed the part where I said “presidents dont really have much direct control over job making anyway” And yet you STILL jump all over me for providing an example of a biased statement using statistics. So shall I provide more simple well known examples of such tactics so you can pop another vein and rail at me that I have no idea what an economy is? Or do you truly believe that only the statistics that support the conservative side of thinking on the economy are the valid ones?
MrBishop said:
That's not the point. The point is that the economy is barely touched upon when it really should be a starting point for political discourse. How healthy is the country now? How healthy was it at the start of the current administration? How can it be improved? Those questions aren't being bantered about 'cept by you and I.

I'm thankful for the good ol' USA buying our goods and vice versa. Woohoo NAFTA! etc etc... but I doubt that you could say that your economy has been better than before Bush took office, despite what he may or may not have inherited.

Those points DO matter. It's you who are being insulting by insinuating that they never crossed my mind. In fact, I don't think either one of these yahoos will be able to do shit about the economy, although at least Bush has a coherent plan. You might not agree with it, but he has one (think continued tax cuts).

If you read back a ways, Bish, you'll find that I didn't intend to vote for Bush until the tragedy at Beslan (or, more accurately, the responses to it that were demonstrated in places like this one). The positions that you, yourself, espoused in PM's awhile back forced me to reassess some priorities.

So, no, the war on terror isn't the only issue. I've been forced to concede, however, that it's the most important one, and you had a lot to do with that. Thanks once again for clarifying for me which path is correct.
Gonz said:
Progressive taxes means more taxes as you go up the scale. Not only in actual money spent but in precentage. Welcome to communism.

Luis G said:
There's no way to go up in the economic scale in communism.

A flat tax is more in line with communist lines of thinking, equal tax for everyone because everyone is equal.
I believe you're missing the point. Not equal amounts...equal percentages. Don't punish the guy that does good just because he has more.
Professur said:
Really? So you don't really care about how much tax you're gonna have to pay, or about your kids schools, or the condition of your roads? All that matters is the opinion of some cowering little snot nose hiding behind 13 year olds in a cave somewhere???

Thanks for the insight into the american psyche.

truthfully we should fix at home before abroad but it seems our govt does not do that doesnt it
freako104 said:
truthfully we should fix at home before abroad but it seems our govt does not do that doesnt it

If your an american then you are part of the government so remember when refering to the government it isn't they it is "us" or "we".

So you get a gold star for the day for using "our" and "we" :cocktail:

I love people who don't vote but like to complain.
freako104 said:
truthfully we should fix at home before abroad but it seems our govt does not do that doesnt it

We're not being threatened by "at home" & at home is running fairly well as is. We need to get government out of our way & at home will fix itself.
Gonz said:
We're not being threatened by "at home" & at home is running fairly well as is. We need to get government out of our way & at home will fix itself.

fairly well but not perfect. we still have problems such as crime, homelessness, violence, drugs.

umm shake:

when did you ever get the indication I dont vote?
They'll never go away so let's do nothing about them.....hopefully it'll spread to undesireables and kill them off.
I happen to like that plan. Medical advances have weakened the herd so why not allow personal choices to thin the herd?
Wait till you are the victim and then tell me that's a good idea. Because if we do nothing sooner or later what goes around will come around.