Birthday Ham!

I can give you a bangup pizza dough recipie if you want. I've made at least 20 of them over the last 6 weeks. I've saved a small fortune not going to Pizza Slut.
If I did it, half of my directions would be a bit odd becuse of the way there are slanted to accomodate my allergies.
HomeLAN said:
I forget, how far are you from Captiva Island (Ft. Myers)? I'm gonna be down there on the 19th.

I think I'm closer to you than I am to Ft Myers. :p We're just 20 minutes south of Tallahassee, about halfway to the coast.
unclehobart said:
I can give you a bangup pizza dough recipie if you want. I've made at least 20 of them over the last 6 weeks. I've saved a small fortune not going to Pizza Slut.

Send it to me and I'll pass it to Jan. :p She made a couple of them back in the fall that were pretty good, but I'm sure she'd be willing to try out another recipe.
Basic setup:
large large bowl for the mix and rise
bread board or a sterile section of countertop to knead it out on
pizza pan
flour (plain stuff.. no auto rise)
olive oil
2+ measuring cup .. microwave safe

Start by putting your oven on its lowest temp setting. Hopefully you have a WARM setting right at the bottom that only goes to like 150 degrees.

put 3 cups of flour into the mixing bowl
add half a teaspoon of salt, mix them together *
create a large fist sized hole in the center of the flour where you can pour the upcoming yeast water so that it only touches flour and not the edge of the bowl
Take a microwave safe (ie glass) measuring cup and measure out just a single hair less than 1 cup of water. Microwave for 1 minute. Check the temp of the water with a small taste. If it is warm to very warm it is good. Uncomfortable to the pallate is too hot and will kill the yeast.
sprinkle a half pinch of sugar into the hot water
add a packet (2 tsp) of yeast to the water, stir, set aside for 1 minute
pour 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil into the bottom of the flour well
pour the water into the flour well
stir the center of the water slowly with a knife or the handle of a wooden spoon. You will notice that a simple erosion effect will constantly draw more flour into the mix. It will slowly thicken and then suddenly grab all of the flour at once. Keep stirring for another 30 seconds until it has drawn up all of the flour and has started to lump into a large shredded mass of dough. If it wont grab all of the flour add a few drops of water. If it too wet and starts sticking to the sides add a touch of flour.
put a few tablespoons of flour on the corner of your kneading surface
grab a pinch of flour and cover the center of your kneading surface
grab another pinch of flour and dust your hands
scoop up the bread mass out of the bowl and form it into a ball
knead the bread against the board, adding touches of flour as dough stickiness indicates, for about 2 minutes or until the dough becomes a nicely formed pliable and smooth sphere.
pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil into the mixing bowl
rub the oil over the entire inner surface of the bowl
roll the dough ball in the small amount of oil collected at the bottom until 100% coated
clean your hands as they should be seriously doughy and oily
cover the bowl airtight with a measure of saran/plastic wrap
turn the oven off, open it for 30 seconds to vent the excessive heat. the oven should be at about 110-120 degrees and slowly cool over the time of the rise
place the bowl into the oven to rise
walk away for 45min- 1 hour
If the dough has doubled in bulk you are ready to proceed
gently deflate it with a slight press of the fingers
liberally flour your working surface
knead gently for a few seconds to get it into a cooperative ball shape again
gently knead it out flatly and tug at the edges, folding and flouring as needed, until it is about 2/3 the size of your pizza pan
It should be durable enough for you to pick up and treat it like they do in the pizza parlors to get it to stretch ... but that leads to breakage at times. It is best to just transfer the half stretched mass to your pan and just stretch at the edges until it covers the pan.
sauce and toppings to preference
13+ minutes at 400 degrees ... time variable according to altitude and topping thickness
*at this point you could add a few personal touches of dry mix flavors to the dough base like garlic or oregano so that they get nicely imbedded into each bite.

I have a fairly large pan for my pizzas.. you may not ... which would make this amount af dough all too much to use unless you like it seriously thick. Experiment in ratios of 3 flour to 1 water scaling up or down to find the right amount for your needs.
Ardsgaine said:
HomeLAN said:
I forget, how far are you from Captiva Island (Ft. Myers)? I'm gonna be down there on the 19th.

I think I'm closer to you than I am to Ft Myers. :p We're just 20 minutes south of Tallahassee, about halfway to the coast.

I thought you were around Tallahassee, but I couldn't remember for sure. Oh, well.'re closer to Ards when you're home Homie. Captiva is 8+ hours from where he lives. But I'll stand on the roof and wave at your plane again:wave::D
Q said:'re closer to Ards when you're home Homie. Captiva is 8+ hours from where he lives. But I'll stand on the roof and wave at your plane again:wave::D

I'll see if I can borrow a GPS and look down at the correct moment. :D
you can... but I've found it to be a little inconsistent. Judging water temp right out of the tap is a touch harder to judge than a fairly tight time adjustment with my own equipment.... but then I guess all microwave wattages are different so results would be different. The core key is to get 110F water.

I've always drawn filtered water out of my Brita system... which is not heatable at the source. So I've had to microwave it up to steam. I don't like cooking with water straight from the tap. It was just a personal influence getting scribbled unto paper that wasn't needed and I didn't catch it.
Yum! That looks good, dude! Thanks! I'll pass the recipe on to Jan. Maybe I can get her to make us a pizza this weekend. :)

We finished off the ham tonight, finally. There's still the bone left. I need to get some butter beans and toss the bone in with them... maybe some cabbage and corn casserole to go with it. :licklips: