Bizzare work story...


New Member
There's this guy at work who was hired about six months ago and he's starting to creep me out.

Since he started, he had to be spoken to already about being a blatant breast-starer-ater and he's gotten better. (it was at the point where if he was talking to someone and a woman walked by, he would stop talking, turn and watch the woman's chest as she walked by)

The other day, he walks into this woman's office, sits down without a word and stares at her for a second. Then he says, "Can I have a pen?" she gives him a pen. "Can I have a piece of paper?" she gives him a piece of paper. He starts drawing a diagram of what he came in to talk to her about, and then he picks up her cup of tea on her desk and starts drinking it. She says, "That's my tea!", he says, "You don't have anything, do you?" she said, "Just AIDS.", he says, "That's ok, I only have sores in my mouth." and continues to finish her cup of tea.

This is the same guy who roams the office after everyone leaves, going through people's offices, taking books from their bookshelves, looking through my software CD's...

He's the talk of the office, because every day he does something new that people talk about. He gives me the creeps because every once in a while, he'll walk into my cube and stand behind me so I can't see him and watch what I'm doing. I'll say, "Do you need something?" and he'll say, "No." and walk away.

Do any of you have people who do weird things in your office? I don't know how to deal with this guy. I usually just confront people but he makes me uneasy, like if I do confront him, he'll pay more attention to me than he already does. My boss is well aware but said he hasn't really done anything wrong to warn him about. I just don't know.
He's the SNL Photocopier guy! :eek:

Not much you can do, really, just avoid him and keep a log, when you have enough documentation, they'd have to do something about it.
When he 'sneaks' up behind you, let out a blood-curdling scream. Scratch that...make it every time he's standing behind you. Makes for quite a display, and it'll scare him off. If it doesn't, just tell your boss after the first scream that he's creeping you out.
keep a log, when you have enough documentation, they'd have to do something about it.

After you've got some documentation, get together with the other women in the office and have a "chat" with the boss about him. Don't even mention the words "sexual harrassment". If your boss has a brain, you won't have to, and he will respond.
I've got this guy who likes to walk up to me with a book, hand me the book and then sit in my lap. If I try to move him, he flops down into the floor kicking and screaming.

Then there's this girl who just runs up and down the hallway all the time, singing and laughing. Sometimes I can hear her carrying on conversations with herself. I listened to her once, and it turns out that the conversations are actually dialogue from Disney movies. She's memorized entire movie scenes, and she acts out all the parts!

They're both starting to really freak me out. I talked to the boss about them, but she says that if we put them in daycare I'll have to get a real job, so.... :p
Ardsgaine said:
I've got this guy who likes to walk up to me with a book, hand me the book and then sit in my lap. If I try to move him, he flops down into the floor kicking and screaming.

Then there's this girl who just runs up and down the hallway all the time, singing and laughing. Sometimes I can hear her carrying on conversations with herself. I listened to her once, and it turns out that the conversations are actually dialogue from Disney movies. She's memorized entire movie scenes, and she acts out all the parts!

They're both starting to really freak me out. I talked to the boss about them, but she says that if we put them in daycare I'll have to get a real job, so.... :p

Sorry. No sympathy for self-inflicted wounds. :p
:laugh: at Ards

Steve, we already talked to the boss about the breast staring thing, and he talked to the weirdo. That's pretty much resolved now. Occasional staring is to be expected when you work with mostly guys and have a rack like I do (;)) but this was blatant.

We have a new area we're moving to that's not going to be anywhere near his area. He will have to walk around the whole building to get to us when he takes his 'nosy strolls' as we call them. If he continues to sneak up on me and watch what I'm going, I think I'm going to tell him that it's rude and to stop. I just hope he doesn't off me once I say it. :eek:
It is a different world we live in. Can't just tell somone to fuck off anymore.
PuterTutor said:
It is a different world we live in. Can't just tell somone to fuck off anymore.

I would say "fuck off, you have no reason to be here and annoy me."

If he has a problem with that and goes to your boss, well, you have a perfect good reason for saying that.
It's not the going to your boss that you need to be afraid of, it's the bringing an uzi to work the next day and going on a spree that most of us are concerned about, especially with someone unstable like this.

but, I have to ask, so if a girl has a really nice rack, it's still not polite to stare? I mean come on, it's a really nice rack. :D
i think the saying he had aids did it....

NOT staring at a nice rack is a kind of an insult...she did all this effort to make them so beautiful, and now people enjoy them... :headbang:

i always compliment them by "heh! nice rack!" and they go like "hihihihi, thanks :blush:"

they don't expect you would be that honest...girls like that ;)

greenfreak said:
his 'nosy strolls' as we call them. If he continues to sneak up on me and watch what I'm doing...
What did they call the guy on Seinfeld who did that to Elaine?
PuterTutor said:
but, I have to ask, so if a girl has a really nice rack, it's still not polite to stare? I mean come on, it's a really nice rack. :D

Furtive glances with an attempt to conceal is ok I guess--it's almost accepted. To me, at least. But it gets creepy after the first few seconds.

Leslie, I have no idea... I don't remember that episode. But if you find out, please let me know because Seinfeld quotes are big around here. Two weeks ago, everyone was walking around saying...

"These pretzels... are making me... thirsty!!"
Shadowfax said:
i think the saying he had aids did it....

Actually, she said she had AIDS... as a joke. He said he had sores in his mouth. This lady is one of those really really nice people who's always smiling-she would never say anything to him either. We keep trying to get her to because he's starting to take advantage of her generosity.
Isn't what sexual harrassment? Drinking her tea? No, I don't think so. Staring at the breasts? Yes, that would definately be. But they talked to him already and that stopped.
he seems to be putting you and your co-workers through a lot of shit and him standing behind you is a form of harassment. basically put its making a hostile work enviroment based on gender.
Can you really blame him for staring at breastesses? They are such a beatiful thing. :D

In all seriousness, he needs to have a slap upside the head, by someone that won't get fired by doing it. I'll volunteer if there's noone closer to you that can do it.
I don't have anyone at work who creeps me out... but I do have two exceptionally hot female co-workers... down boy, down.
:rofl: at Ards.

Yikes greenie! Just reading about the guy at your office freaks me out. :eek: Eew. What if he turns out to be one of those disgruntled-postman-type of people (no offense to postal workers).