Black friday - from the other side of the register


Well-Known Member
So there I am, at work, Saturday.

"Hey, do you know anything about black friday hours?"

An innocent enough question, I suppose.

"Yeah, Jeff wants us all here from open to close, 4am-11pm"

I said the only thing I could - "FUCK"

So, I have the usual Thanksgiving, all fun and happy with family. I go home, chill out. I plan to hit the rack about 9:30, since I needed to be at work at 4am. Unfourtunately, I decide "Hey, why not read for a few minutes."
Unfourtunately, a few minutes turns into an hour and a half. The last 100-150 pages were more intense than I expected, and I couldn't put the damn thing down.
At 11:00 I finally head up - but no. The shower in the bathroom is dripping. It's on the other side of the wall, which has no insulation in it, about 3 feet away from my head. Drip. Drip. Drip. I was about ready to shut off the water to the house.
At midnight I finally fall asleep.

3 hours later, bam, awake again. I make a quick breakfast and get out the door. I arrive at Circuitcity at four, an hour before it opens. There's a mob of about 50 people in front. I get handed a bunch of flyers for a $180 printer/camera combo. Shit, I think, I need to go outside. I didn't bring a hat. I didn't bring gloves. It was 25 degrees F, which is something like -5 or -10 for you celcius people. It's dark and windy, making it even colder. I go down the line, which is now about 500 yards long containing close to a thousand people, this being still 20 minutes before opening, all of whom are here to buy the $200 laptop, of which we have about 50 in stock. By the time I get to the end, I couldn't feel my face or my hands.

I get a chance to go inside. The managers go to the departments "man your battle stations"
SHIT! They forgot to give me the gas masks, night sticks, and tear gas that I will need to control this angry mob.
I get put in the DVD players aisle. Our big sales are the Polariod DVDP for $20, the Nexxtech portable DVDP with 7" LCD for $76, the Lite-On DVD+-RW/VCR combo for $150, and the Lite-On DVD+-RW for $75. Unfourtunately, the Lite-On stuff isn't physically in the aisle. We found out a half hour later that the DVDR/VCR combo is two aisles over, but we have no idea where the straight DVDR is. Hell, we've never even seen the damn thing before. It's not on display, it's not on the shelf. We heard a rumor that it's in the back, behind the computer repair desk, after about a half hour.

The angry mob comes rushing in. About 95% of people are asking for those four items. Too bad the managers didn't feel it necessary to inform us of the location of two of them. The 69 portable DVDPs we have in stock are gone in 20 minutes. We only got a few people going for the $20 polariods, but we later found out that there were two pallets of them in the front.

The problem lies with the two items we don't have in the aisle. We think that the other people have them. They think that we have them. People get stuck in a loop. They'll ask us where something is, we direct them across the store. They ask the salesmen across the store, they direct the customer back to us. Since we can't leave the aisles, it sucked. I think it reflected poorly on management that they did not show us the locations of the special sale items, which were located in pallets around the store. Until about eight, when we were able to leave the aisles, we weren't sure where the stuff was.

Of course, the pandemonium for the $75 DVDR was nothing compared to the $200 laptop. There was a huge line in the Computer department for buying the laptops.

The thing that I did not like about the customers - they expected me to know what things were in stock. The way to find if something is in stock is to go to the registers and use Magellan to check the inventory. Since the sales volume is huge, we had people working just the registers. There were long lines at them. I couldn't get to a register without waiting 15 minutes, and that was after the 6 hour sales ended. There were long lines and employees only ringing people up. And here come the customers, expecting someone working in the DVD players department to know exactly how many laptops we have in stock. Then they act pissed off when I tell them that I have no idea how many there are.

Over in the laptops section, people were fighting over them. At least one person was taken away in handcuffs.

Another person, a seasonal employee like myself, got fired for having a fight with another salesmen about whether LCDs have a bulb. The seasonal guy thought that they had a bulb that needs to be replaced every two years. He also called the $190 15" lcd tv "that fifteen inch piece of shit" in front of customers, which is a big no-no. Bam, fired on the spot.

The rest of it is pretty much a blur. I finally clocked out at noon, after an 8 hour shift with no breaks. I got some lunch, went home, drank eight cups of mountain dew, soaked my feet in a tub, and fell asleep.

I wake up and I get very disorinented. When I go to bed and it's light out then wake up when it's dark, I get confused. I go downstairs, get some dinner, then post this.

I know, the post doesn't really 'flow' and isn't well thought out, but I'm braindead by now.
Altron said:
I'm braindead by now.

I worked BBY black friday lines for three years. 3:30am to 6pm shifts (even had to close the night before (3pm to 12am) once). Inside and out. Ops (registers) and floor. IMO, you can't accurately insult human intelligence until you work retail on that day....especially working at anywhere containing something in demand.

Makes for a great drinking night though. :D
Mirlyn said:

I worked BBY black friday lines for three years. 3:30am to 6pm shifts (even had to close the night before (3pm to 12am) once). Inside and out. Ops (registers) and floor. IMO, you can't accurately insult human intelligence until you work retail on that day....especially working at anywhere containing something in demand.

Makes for a great drinking night though. :D
I was at work at 5:45 a.m. last Black Friday (Radioshack prefers "Hot Friday" because Corporate is dumb like that) and worked 11 hours. A regular blast and a half, for sure.

You can bet the farm I enjoyed being able to sleep in today. :D
I should feel lucky that the most popular deal we had was 5 oz Hershey bars at 2/$1. It's been an interesting but busy week, we rarely have any sales over 200, yet Wednesday I had one over 2K, paid in cash: 4 prepaid Green Dot Visa cards for 500 apiece. I don't usually see 21 $100 bills in a month let alone on one transaction. :eek:
The last time I worked in a stereo store, we opened an hour earlier & closed an hour later. Fuck 5am. Fuck 6am. Fuck 7am. It's consumer goods, not life saving emergency medical treatment for chrissake. See the thread about Seasons Beatings to see what animals we are.
Altron said:
I know, the post doesn't really 'flow' and isn't well thought out, but I'm braindead by now.

Actually i thought it flowed pretty darn well. You definitely conveyed the sense of hell that was failure on the part of management. Had that been my outfit i would have done some firing on the spot only it would have been floor managers and the like. Sounds like a shitstorm of a day alright.
Altron said:
I think it reflected poorly on management.

Sums it up.

Great post.

retail sucks (I suppose, having never worked in it).

Stay in school (4 year degree collage minima).

or you'll have a lifetime of sucky jobs and then you'll die
at least you can get paid well to do a sucky job with a degree?

Hey where do you keep the LCD replacement light bulbs
you know the one's for those 15" pieces of shit!

There really is a backlight though ain't there ? heh heh
i worked retail many a moon ago and black friday sucked then. the thought of working retail now would make me suicidal.
speaking of suicidal, we didnt get a single psych patient in all day today. has to be a first. guess they were all out at the malls at 5am and were too tired and cold to be bothered to go back out.
Yeah be like Spot, Altron
get an edumahcation so you can deal with the Krazies directly
and get compensated well for it!
i woke up at 3am, drove past BB in hopes that i might actually get a chance at the el cheapo laptop to resell and bankroll a new server. HAHAHAHA, the line was already around the building! went down to the CompUSA sale, not so nuts since i was three hours into it already. got my $3 access point, drove past the CC on the way out. yup people waiting down the sidewalk there too.

i'd rather pay newegg prices for a new server than freeze my ass off all night, i f**kin hate the cold.

and BTW, the $3 CompUSA/FMI access point is a PoS. the builtin web interface crashes randomly and the wireless network freezes periodically, making ssh sessions a bit of a challenge. i might take it back and pay $20AR for a decent AP.
Over in the laptops section, people were fighting over them. At least one person was taken away in handcuffs.
Ahh, peace on earth, good will to men. :lol:

which is something like -5 or -10 for you celcius people.
I like that Altron. "You celsius people." Bit more polite than "danged furriners" anyway. :D
And of course, nearly none of these customers were fluent in English. The levels of understandability ranged from "Sorry, can you repeat that?" to using hand signals and crude drawings in the place of spoken languages.
I worked OLD NAVY. Boxing day was NUTS. What is even more nuts is that people bring their CHILDREN. Seriously, do they not stop and think? 1-Tons of people, easy for the kids to get lost. 2-Tons of waiting inevitable that the kids will get kranky. 3-Christmas is now over and you can no longer use the "See if Santa brings it for you." line and 4- Let the childran stay at home and play with their toys on the day after Christmas for godsake!

On that note, two years ago I went out on boxing day. I went to the mall though, there were no huge dorr crashers at any mall stores, was there before the stores opened (by about 15min). Walked around inside the nice warm mall and when they opened bought my mdplayer (future shop had it on sale, one of the stores at the mall price matches :D) and left, no hassel, no crowds. There is now a Best Buy at the I dunno, I want to get a mp3 player on boxing day but I may have to reevaluate my plan and find a mall with no Best Buy as they're likely to have crazy sales with crazy line ups.
i am fortunate to have never worked on black friday, and i've seen three of them in my employed life so far. from what i hear, i'm one of two or three people who didn't work yesterday at my store, borders express. (i only work sundays) i'm fucking glad cos it's in the mall. the MALL. even if i was shopping, i would not go to the mall on black friday. i can't imagine working there then.
Hot Friday, oh, Hot Friday.

I was told that I had to work 5:30 am to 10 pm, though I came in at 4:30.

So I stroll in, first one there. People trickle in, and we open at 6. There were only about 10 people waiting to get in. By seven A.M. the store was DEAD. It was NOTHING like last year, we were so slow x.x. By one, we had only done 10 grand in sales, I made up about 3 grand of that. After one I did like... no sales, which was a lot of my own doing.

dad called around 1, and told me that on thanksgiving, grandma had a stroke. i didn't know about it becuase he was in williamsburg with my grandparents and his wife. I couldn't go becuase I had work on friday. Needless to say I didn't feel like selling anything after that.

My manager ended up letting me leave at 8 becuase I was due in the next morning at 9.

And that is hot friday. It was sickeningly slow D:
I believe our Circuit City hit $1,000,000 in sales. The Best Buy next door hit $1,200,000.

It's funny, my cousin works at Radioshack. He was telling me on Thanksgiving "Yeah, we have some big sales, we're expected to sell $7,000 tomarrow."
Altron said:
It's funny, my cousin works at Radioshack. He was telling me on Thanksgiving "Yeah, we have some big sales, we're expected to sell $7,000 tomarrow."

Seven grand in $1.99 cables & a few cell phones is quite impressive.