Professur said:The entire web is my blog.
You talkin' to me? I updated the post about the Orchid Show because I was getting tons of hits from Google and Yahoo about it. I thought it would take a long time for the search engines to refer to my site, but apparently not.HomeLAN said:Haven't updated in awhile.
Sinuses? He's never mentioned sinuses... he's fine, I guess. Still posting heavily on PiL. Good mood etc... I can pass on a message of concern if you'd like?Professur said:So how is your little drug addict anyways? Haven't had an update (here) in a while. Sinuses still bothering him?
aah...thought that you were referring to Oz...Professur said:I meant your son .....
Second that, from someone who's made that error. Ruins the mood almost entirely.Professur said:How's she taking returning to your and the ex's vacation spot? Do yourself a favour. Don't recognise anything.