Bold Statement on Immigration


New Member
I like this guys attitude, hope it's contagious...

SOUTH TOLEDO -- A south Toledo man is using a replica of the Statue of Liberty to let the world know his thoughts on illegal immigration. Art Bollinger says he got this idea from an e-mail he received, and decided to duplicate the picture.

From the front, you can see the Statue of Liberty. From behind, it shows Lady Liberty's behind, in a thong bikini. The nearby sign says "Kiss my American Ass."

Bollinger tells News 11 he will accept anyone into this country as long as they come here legally, but he has no patience for those who sneak in. "You don't have rights. You are here illegally," said Bollinger of the people who cross the border without permission. "If I break the law, I go to prison. You break the law and the American government says they'll kiss your behind. No. That's ridiculous."
Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said he, but not necessarily the Senate, could accept a phased-in compromise: enforcement first, then moving to citizenship issues. "I personally would, because I think, first and foremost, you've got to lock down the borders. You can't allow this hemorrhaging of millions of people,'' he said on "Fox News Sunday.''

I hate mixed metaphors.
A hemorrhage is when you lose blood...a lot of it.
Mexico is experiencing a hemorrhaging of millions of people.
The USA is experiencing a flood of millions of people

Well... he desecrated America's #1 symbol of acceptance of people from foreign countries into the land of the free... it got him some air-time, but probably no respect.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"
In his defense, I believe he meant that Mexico is hemorrhaging people.On the other hand, it is Bill Frist :shrug:

As far as the first guy goes...I agree with his opinion but he'd better not build that ugly-assed thing (no pun inteded) in my neighborhood.
MrBishop said:
Well... he desecrated America's #1 symbol of acceptance of people from foreign countries into the land of the free... it got him some air-time, but probably no respect.
It's okay, I didn't respect him before.

I wonder if this self-righteous jamoke with the Statue of Liberty realizes the irony? She's not from here, she's a French immigrant. ;) Legal though, I suppose.