Books books books!


Well-Known Member
Where do you get them?
New or Used?
Hard Cover or pulp?
Borrow from Libraries?
Borrow from friends?
Keep them after you've read them?

Read all about it!!


I tend to go to 2nd hand book stores for the majority of my books. As long as the book's still legible, I don't mind what it looks like. Missing covers and dog-eared tomes don't distract me from my reading pleasure. I occasionally buy 'new' books, but only for certain series (Robert Jordan's WoT series is a good example).
I use libraries for the odd reference book or a novel which I want to read but can't find second-hand and can't afford 1st hand. :(
I rarely throw away books...I'll give them to local schools for their library, or to the thrift shop. Occasionally, I'll sell some to buy more :D

I used to be a big borrower/lender of books.... not as much anymore. I've had to replace books that I lent out when I forgot who had what and couldn't repossess :shrug:

I've dabbled with e-books, but considering that I read them off of a Palm V.. it's not as easy to get into and it doesn't feel the same...ya know?

I like books. All kinds of books, and I get em used however they come.

I don't usually bother to replace as I'm swimming in books here, but I do want to replace the DaVinci Code somehow. It's disappeared and I don't know who I would have lent it to. :confuse3:

I am not good at getting rid of them. It's become a "thing" of mine. I gave one away last night I didn't even like all that much and will never reread, and it still hurt. Therapy time! :nuts2:
So far amazon is the only place where I can buy the books I need. Other than that I photocopy others from the library.
I buy two types of books.

1. Stephen King. Anything the man wrote. These I generally get from used stores or put on wish lists for birthdays etc. I keep them. I read them. I reread them.

2. Non fiction. Specifically Appalachian history/folklore and whatever offshoot of that catches my interest. I have the complete set of Foxfire books, plus some of their side volumes. I have several on the development of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I have them on moonshining, shape note gospel singing, snake handling churches, home remedies, planting by the signs...just whatever I catch fancy with at the moment. These are bought new at a discount warehouse near Gatlinburg that specializes and stocks this type book.

Will soon be starting a third "library", on the War for Southern Independence (duh!). Right now, I've been checking some out from the library to see which ones I want to buy. They will be new books as well.
Hey SNP, do you have any first editions SK? Or Richard Bachman? I have an original Richard Bachman hardcover before it came out that that was his pseudonym. I know I have a first edition hardcover in there somewhere, possibly Dead Zone.

To answer the question, I frequent Borders and Amazon. Like Leslie, I too cannot part with books easily. When I do, it's usually to my parents. I've been thinking about going through all of them (we only have one bookcase between the two of us and it's full) and selling the ones I don't want on Amazon.

The only bitch of that is being under the obligation to visit the post office within 48 hours of the book being sold. And Amazon takes a cut of the proceeds too.
We tend to pay lots of visits to used book exchanges. Get a baytch, read 'em, trade 'em in on a new batch. Sometimes they won't take them on the return leg, in which case we donate them to a library (another place we spend a great deal of time).

The local library here allows you to reserve books through their website, and the local branch will call you when it's available. We get about a call a day. :D
greenfreak said:
Hey SNP, do you have any first editions SK? Or Richard Bachman? I have an original Richard Bachman hardcover before it came out that that was his pseudonym. I know I have a first edition hardcover in there somewhere, possibly Dead Zone.

I think AE has a couple hardbacks, but I dunno if they're firsts or not. Her copy of The Shining might be.

I have some Bachmans too, but paperbacks.
E. All of the above and more.
My Visor makes a pretty good e-book reader too. I can use .pdf's and .rtf's with it and have a conversion program for other types of files. I read a lot of e-books any more. Oh, also a member of the Science Fiction Book Club. I highly recommend Robin Hobb's Liveship series, which they turned me on to.
I vary between Borders and Unity Books, which is a small independent book chain. I LOVE my books. Just finished reading Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, and starting Gloriana by Michael Moorcock.
The only books I read are military related. My girlfriend has bought me the last few :)

I am reading a book on the battle of Jutland now..
BoP, I'm reading a book called Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell; you would probably like it if you like Austen. And you would definitely like it if you like Austen and Harry Potter books.

It's huge though, it's 800 pages. And it tends to be slow-going and very descriptive. But I like that in a book.

Geez, just looked it up on Amazon, it's gotten over 400 reviews!
I love books, when I get the time to read them.

Right now, I'm in the middle of "A Million Little Pieces" .. bought it when it first came out but never had a chance to read it. Then saw that it was on Oprah's Book Club and she was actually losing sleep over it .. so I picked it up :D

I've read everything by Jane Austen .. she's my favorite author. My favorite class at the University was "the Works of Jane Austen".

Les - I lent my hardcover "DaVinci Code" to a friend before Christmas and haven't seen it - or my friend - since :(
i work at a bookstore, and have so for 3 weeks, but i've only bought one book, and that was peter pan. i haven't really been reading much lately, until very very recently. sometimes i get things at libraries, sometimes i get things new, but i prefer they be well under $20, new books an be so ridiculously expensive. i like used bookstores, but mainly for specific finds, like copies of alice in wonderland.
Gonna try something here. If this is against any rules, someone just delete this.

I have been searching for a specific book for years now. If anyone has one they wanna sell, or can find one, please let me know.

I want a hardback copy of Where The Red Fern Grows. Very badly. So long as it's in readable condition without falling apart, I'm game. I'd actually prefer an older, well loved copy.
It's a "back to my childhood" thing. It was the first book I ever read that changed me in any appreciable way. I'd really like an old one if possible.