Books books books!

Usually order online. Paperback if they have it.

I haven't been able to focus on a book for years now, so the last books I've bought were for my studies. Linguistics, phonetics, etc. Like I'm focusing so much better on those books..

Anyways, use the college library a lot too.
Prof, don't be so evil. :p

Na - I've read most of her works now ... I think. Just have to read Sense & Sensibility, and Persuasion. I think there's another couple I have to read as well, but I've never seen them anywhere. :(
SNP, so long as you're not asking for a photocopy of it, you're golden.

BoP, ...... I gotta be me.

GF, you keep telling yourself that. But if the plaster's still on the ceiling ........
Professur said:
I know. If I was, you'd know what multiple orgasms feel like.
:alienhuh: So...If you were a woman and dating Rusty, you're sure that you'd be having even more fun than GF in bed?

*Had a visual of Rusty making Prof scream until the plaster falls off the ceiling.
*Goes to wash out his brain with borex.

Sorry Prof..but you did walk into that one head-first
Oh, Lord have mercy on me. I have books out the wazoo. LOL

I read just about anything --- with the exception of horror -- that just doesn't do anything for me.

I have a large collection of history and biographies. I'm particularly intrigued by Elizabeth I, and have a number of books about her.

One of the best autobios I ever read was Swanson On Swanson by Gloria Swanson. Talk about all the juicy details -- especially the shenanigans with Joe Kennedy.

Science Fiction is also one of my loves. David Eddings and Robert Jordan being 2 of my fav authors.

I don't have anything here in Palestine that resembles a book store. If my bibliophile feelings get too strong I have to drive an hour --- even then I'm limited to Barnes&Noble.

In Houston, I had several wonderful used bookstores I could rummage through. One dealt exclusively with rarer books -- no paperbacks.

I've read all of Jane Austen's works and most of William Thackery's.
I'm a fan of English writer Dorothy Dunnett. For fun, I love reading the mysteries of Rita Mae Brown and Lilian Jackson Braun.
I loved Eddings ..... right up until he wrote "The losers". I was highly tempted to host a bonfire after suffering through that crap.
I feel the same way. I thought I had all his stuff, but apparently not.

Hmm, 1985, between the Belgariad and the Mallorean, huh?

Prof, read "The Redemption of Althalus" if you haven't already. That should make you forgive him.
LAN, I could have killed Eddings when he started the Elenium series before he finished The Mallorean. LOL

I like The Redemption of Althalus, also.
nalani said:
Right now, I'm in the middle of "A Million Little Pieces" .. bought it when it first came out but never had a chance to read it. Then saw that it was on Oprah's Book Club and she was actually losing sleep over it .. so I picked it up :D

i've had a note taped to my desk to read that. it's been taped there for like 3 years.
Mare, the missus reads her stuff too.

HL, Redemption ....... I dunno. I definitely wasn't good enough to warrant forgiveness. In the Belgariad, he built characters for each skill. In the Elenian, he kept the same basis, but condensed the characters. Redemption, he seemed to be doing just more of the same. The same skill sets, even more highly condensed.