Booze anyone?


Fancy a lager?

Been hanging onto these babies since 9am GMT (early I know but still!)

*CB opens yet another can of Stella*

Its European... 5.2 proof... very nice! Known as "wife beater" or "stupid juice" where I'm from so you'd better "gan canny"


There is if you want it... :drink: :winkkiss:
Pork scratchings? Plain out I'm afraid... but there are some scampy fries and beef and onion crisps.... sorry Spiffy... oh wait! *CB rumages in the bottom of the bag* One pack of Mr Porky's!

StrongBow no I'm afraid... WoodPecker yes... a bit sweeter... will that do?
Look mate.... its Woodpecker, Stella, Beef and onion crisps or scampi fries... until I can get in contact with the brewery.... now either you order a drink and sit down or I'll have Bob here *CB nods over to the large doorman wearing bomber jacket bulging at the seams under the pressure of his muscled body* show you the door!

*CB continues to polish a pint glass*

Whats it gonna be?
I'll have a Stella draught barrel then with three sides of beef and onions. And you shouldn't worry about Bob. I don't plan on hurting him... much.
unclehobart said:
I'll have a Stella draught barrel then with three sides of beef and onions. And you shouldn't worry about Bob. I don't plan on hurting him... much.


Next!... anyone waiting? Yes Missus... it doesn't matter whether you wave a fiver or a twenty... I only have one pair of hands!

Ricards Red? Guinness? How about a boilermaker?

/me orders a basket of fried scampies and hauls over a stool. :la:
Hate to be a bother, but, as you've had a bit of time, doid you happen to get your hands on some Lion's Head Ale? If not, I can give Bob 20 quid to get a half-case...of course he can keep the change. ;)
When I gets home from work this morning, I'm gonna have a double Dalmore, neat. If you like 12-year-old single-malt scotch but hate paying Glenfiddich or Macallan's prices, you should give Dalmore a try.
Its after 11am GMT.. anyone for a drink?

I'll see what I can do about the Guiness and I'll be getting some Glen of tranquility (Glenfiddick) for you Sharky... but at a special price! ;)
tonksy said:
may i suggest tiger beer. it's light but not too light, nice after taste.....and it has a tiger on the cap!

I haven't heard of that one, but I'll keep an eye out for it.

*wonders if something is seriously wrong with me if i now tend to drink beers based on the prettiness of their bottlecaps. :alienhuh: