Boycott IKEA (Swedish for heartless)


Well-Known Member
IKEA montreal has made a decision to refuse the selling of memorial poppies in their stores this year. Their excuse.... "We dont have the space."
The poppies take up all of six inches of counter space at the register. Sure, they have a right to do that, and people have the right to show them they are displeased with that decision as well.
The American Legion around here usually sells them on the street corners, but alot of the stores sell them at the registers too.
PuterTutor said:
This is what it is to me.

Is it the same in Canada?



Yeah...pretty much the same over here, in the UK and all over the world.
So... local veterans were brushed aside in favor of a middling united nations function. Typical. I don't even know if we have any IKEA down here to boycott.
unclehobart said:
So... local veterans were brushed aside in favor of a middling united nations function. Typical. I don't even know if we have any IKEA down here to boycott.

It's worst than you might think. Imagine this...the IKEA here is the largest in North America.
Truly? hmm...

It would be a shame if someone were to unsafely store a 10 liter fuel canister next to the heating system in the back.

We have a few IKEA's in the NY/NJ area, and I've shopped there before. It's pretty much known to be the cheap furniture store, the place you go when you can't afford nice stuff.

I don't buy IKEA anymore so I can't really boycott it. But I still do have some stuff from the past that I bought from them. Should I set fire to it in protest? ;)

The veterans should set up shop right outside their front door to sell the poppies and politely inform all the shoppers that they are being forced to brave the elements because IKEA won't allow them inside.
I live in Sweden, and there's an IKEA in basically every major city. The furniture is really cheap there, perfect for students. Never heard of the memorial poopie thingie, though.
unclehobart said:
So... local veterans were brushed aside in favor of a middling united nations function.

Shall I tirade now or wait until later.

Puts Ikea on the do not solicit list (nearest on e is in Chicago so it'll be easy )
Gonz...You may also want to look into the actions of your beloved W....He has been hacking away at veterans benefits and rights while at the same time asking us to stand behind our troops...He is making sure that he is not deluged with "Gulf War Syndrome" when our troops get back...Problem is, hes doing it by making it illegal for them to be sick.

Guess you got a lot of boycotting to do if you're really that sincere. :D
The local radio and media took this one to heart, and blasted IKEA to bits. Within minutes of rushhour, they were deluged with calls and e-mail. They recinded their decision PDQ. But not before their image was tarnished beyond all hope of X-mas sales.