Brass Balls

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molṑn labé
Staff member
He does have those

President Barack Obama pledged on Monday to dramatically slash the skyrocketing annual budget deficit as he started to dole out the record $787 billion economic stimulus package he signed last week.

"If we confront this crisis without also confronting the deficits that helped cause it, we risk sinking into another crisis down the road," the president warned, promising to cut the yearly deficit in half by the end of his four-year term. "We cannot simply spend as we please and defer the consequences."

Over his head & clueless.

oh no another "obama is a dummy post."

so, what did you want to discuss here? or were you just waiting for spike to post "nuh uh" and cerise to post some sensationalist blather from a twit like michelle malkin and/or a "funny" picture of obama?

allow me...

oh no another "obama is a dummy post."

so, what did you want to discuss here? or were you just waiting for spike to post "nuh uh" and cerise to post some sensationalist blather from a twit like michelle malkin and/or a "funny" picture of obama?

What???? You don't like being reminded of what a mistake you made by voting for The One?

Here. Enjoy. You wanted "change". You thought it was a good idea to vote this bozo in:

Dems seek billions more for 2009

Oh, and this one's just for you, darling. :kiss:

Obama better come out and tell when/and or where people can start signing
up for potential positions in their areas somewhat.
i got a telephone survey one night last week from some polling organization. one i wasnt familiar with but i decided to give it a whirl. many of the questions were rather standard opinion questions about how i felt various departments of the federal government was doing. some were a bit more intriguing, asking specific things like how i felt money allocated to environmental causes should be spent. global warming or conservation or wetlands that kind of thing.

overall not the worst one ive been asked to participate. but toward the end there was a series of questions about obama and racial leanings, whether i found jokes about his race humorous or whether i felt that obama was being held to different (not higher or lower) standards because of his race. i found myself wondering if anybody did actually find these jokes funny would they admit it?

minkeys worthwhile contribution to this thread in post 2is what made me think of this

it seems to me that many people are falling over themselves to make it a point that they dont care about obamas race. now whether thats true or not is a separate issue i suppose. but folks sure are clammorring to make sure they themselves are not tagged with the ideas they seem to know so much about. squeaky wheels getting grease maybe

i told the pollseter that i didnt care if he was black white striped or tiedyed. an idiot is still an idiot and thats what should be focused on. for the record before certain someones start their ceaseless yapping i had some harsh words for pretty much every elected official i was asked about from either side of the aisle. the only one i gave much credit to was a senator from a neighboring state. the rest of the bums need to get out of the way
I should hope so. He is buying 28 of them and they cost 4 times as much as the F-22.:eek13: I'm not sure what you can do to a helicopter that will cost over $400,000,000 a piece. Curb feelers?

One of those helicopters cost about the same as the original price of Air Force One.
minkeys worthwhile contribution to this thread in post 2is what made me think of this

the thread got exactly what it deserved.

at exactly the level of effort it deserved (try googling "obama dummy" images or something like that).

yep there's plenty to disagree with obama about. and if some folks (not you) could get off the whole "foreigner" and/or "muslim" thing(s) which do nothing but distract from issues of substance...

nah, i was right in the first place, in substance and form. give them their bumper stickers and moronic images, and they will be happy. give them the political equivalent of people magazine, and they will lap it up.

"obama is a dummy. blah blah blah."

okay, here we go....


He comes and promises peace and prosperity!


Great things he will bring!


But he is alien to this land!


Armed and dangerous!


With a dread army of eco-terrorists!


With foul and inhuman weapons of mass destruction!


To bring false peace and goodwill among men!


Evil things like health care for the poor and undesirables!


Terrorists are his friends and playmates!


In reality he is the greatest terrorist this galaxy has ever known!


With legions of evil hate mongering and violent demons!


I think we all know who he REALLY is, be afraid, be very very afraid!
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