I should hope so. He is buying 28 of them and they cost 4 times as much as the F-22. I'm not sure what you can do to a helicopter that will cost over $400,000,000 a piece. Curb feelers?
Over his head & clueless.
And did you feel that way when President Bush presented his plan for tax cuts shortly after taking office?
He just spent EIGHT HUNDRED BILLION on earmarks & pork. Bush's idiotic version of a bailout at least was targeted at something affectig the economy. Of course, the bill that passed & was signed into law gave the treasury secretary the powers of a king & didn't require the funds to be accounted for."We cannot simply spend as we please and defer the consequences."
Hey minkey, how about particpating or shutting up.
if you don't like the thread....go away. You're insults are childish & tedious.
your threads are childish and tedious. and you're even more childish when someone calls you on it.
i know you are but what am i BWAAAHAHAHAHA.....
FYI, those helicopters were ordered by President Bush.
if you don't like the thread....go away. You're insults are childish & tedious.
Those helicopters weren't "ordered" by any President. They are part of the security detail. GW put in his wish list & tried to update the decades old craft to be more like Air Force One. The new toys are costly & apparently difficult to assmeble. It's a President thing, not an Obama or Bush thing.
The White House Military Office (WHMO) provides military support for White House functions, including food service, Presidential transportation, medical support and emergency medical services, and hospitality services. The office, led by WHMO Director Louis Caldera, oversees policy related to WHMO functions and Department of Defense assets and ensures that White House requirements are met with the highest standards of quality. The WHMO Director oversees all military operations aboard Air Force One on Presidential missions worldwide. The Deputy Director of the White House Military Office focuses primarily on the day-to-day support of the WHMO.
The WHMO's operational units are the most visible part of the WHMO's support to the President. The WHMO units include the White House Communications Agency, Presidential Airlift Group, White House Medical Unit, Camp David, Marine Helicopter Squadron One, Presidential Food Service, and the White House Transportation Agency. To assure proper coordination and integration, the WHMO also includes support elements such as operations; policy, plans, and requirements; information and technology management; financial management and comptroller; WHMO counsel; and security. Together, WHMO entities provide essential service to the President and help maintain the continuity of the Presidency.
The US Navy charged Lockheed Martin to build a new fleet of 28 helicopters to serve as Marine One in 2005. The project was originally meant to cost around six billion dollars but has skyrocketed up to 11.2 billion dollars.
Watch out for CNN...they're self admitted liars.