bread question?

Oz said:
If by "ordinary bread" yer mean that pre-cut, in a plastic bag, hasn't seen an oven in 72 hours stuff yer get from the supermarket then our stuff is exactly the same.......the crust turns like sloppy dough in yer mouth......and the actual bread itself is like eating putty :sick3:

Bread has to be extra fresh and uncut.........can't be having with a mass produced loaf......

Homemade's best...cut the crust off nice & thick while it's still warm, spread with butter.

(I like eating the crust with tomato sauce....that'd be ketchup to you guys :blush: )
Oz said:
If by "ordinary bread" yer mean that pre-cut, in a plastic bag, hasn't seen an oven in 72 hours stuff yer get from the supermarket then our stuff is exactly the same.......the crust turns like sloppy dough in yer mouth......and the actual bread itself is like eating putty :sick3:

Yep, that's the stuff. :sick:
AlphaTroll said:
(I like eating the crust with tomato sauce....that'd be ketchup to you guys :blush: )

Nothing wrong with Tomato Sauce sarnies :D

(although I gotta admit, I ain't ate one since I was a poor student)
AlphaTroll said:
(I like eating the crust with tomato sauce....that'd be ketchup to you guys :blush: )

So what do you call tomato sauce over there then? Over here, tomato sauce is more or less a runnier, unsweetened version of ketchup. Then there's tomato paste, which is a lot thicker than tomato sauce.
Your ketchup is tomato sauce to us (All Gold is best) - it depends on the brand I suppose, but All Gold is basically the same consistency as Heinz (maybe a little thicker), also slightly sweetened but still has that sharp tomato taste :licklips: Some of the cheaper brands are runnier and lighter in colour. Doesn't taste so good either.

Erm, I'm not sure what you mean with a runnier, unsweetened version of ketchup? Post a pic or summin, then I can tell you.....or do you mean canned tomato sauce (with the pices in it?)

The canned stuff is named according to what goes in the can with it - oion & tomato relish...if it's spiced with chilli it's called sheshebo....if it has cabbage & carrot in it it's chakalaka.

Tomato purée (paste) is just that.
AlphaTroll said:
Your ketchup is tomato sauce to us (All Gold is best) - it depends on the brand I suppose, but All Gold is basically the same consistency as Heinz (maybe a little thicker), also slightly sweetened but still has that sharp tomato taste :licklips: Some of the cheaper brands are runnier and lighter in colour. Doesn't taste so good either.

Erm, I'm not sure what you mean with a runnier, unsweetened version of ketchup? Post a pic or summin, then I can tell you.....or do you mean canned tomato sauce (with the pices in it?)

The canned stuff is named according to what goes in the can with it - oion & tomato relish...if it's spiced with chilli it's called sheshebo....if it has cabbage & carrot in it it's chakalaka.

Tomato purée (paste) is just that.
here tomato sauce is runny...but it's used as a base for many sauces...think tomato stock.
It shouldn't be the same. Ketchup is 1/2 tomato, 1/4 vinegar, 1/4 sweetner and fairly thick and used on chippies and sandwiches and whatnot.

Tomato sauce is pretty much 99% tomato with just a touch of spice and salt... if any at all. It is just base tomato used for cooking. Tomato paste is the condensed version of tomato sauce with little moisture.
AlphaTroll said:
Your ketchup is tomato sauce to us (All Gold is best) - it depends on the brand I suppose, but All Gold is basically the same consistency as Heinz (maybe a little thicker), also slightly sweetened but still has that sharp tomato taste :licklips: Some of the cheaper brands are runnier and lighter in colour. Doesn't taste so good either..

All Gold? What is this mysterious All Gold? If it's's gotta be heinz! Anything else is just uncivilised :lloyd:
unclehobart said:
It shouldn't be the same. Ketchup is 1/2 tomato, 1/4 vinegar, 1/4 sweetner and fairly thick and used on chippies and sandwiches and whatnot.

Yup, that's wot we call tomato used to be called Ketchup.......but like most things german we changed the name after they started bombing the shishkebab out of us a few years ago :|
I see... Here across the pond, we tinkered with the term 'liberty cabbage' for the duration of the war... but it soon fell back to its old name since we have rather strong Germanic roots.
unclehobart said:
I see... Here across the pond, we tinkered with the term 'liberty cabbage' for the duration of the war... but it soon fell back to its old name since we have rather strong Germanic roots.

Had any good freedom fries lately?