Breaking the Plantation Chains


Well-Known Member
It looks as if Obama and the left may have finally helped to brake the plantation chains.

Surprise! 1/3 of blacks back tea-party movement
'The wheels on the race-card bus are beginning to fall off'
A new poll released this week soundly contradicts critics' claims that the tea-party movement is "fringe," "white" and "racist."

PJTV's Tea Party Tracking Poll has monitored nationwide sentiments toward the tea party on a weekly basis since Aug. 2. The poll's most recent reports reveal the following results:
  • The number of people who identify as "members" of the tea party has more than tripled over the last month alone, up to 21 percent of likely voters;
  • Fifty-five percent of those surveyed said they support the tea parties based on the movement's positions on the issues;
  • Among the likely voters who are black, 32 percent said they would vote for a candidate backed by the tea parties.

It's wonderful to know that more individuals are breaking the chains of the democratic party.

It makes proud to be an American.
The One is not our savior?

Osambo has already made it so the dem's are going
to lose both houses and the Presidency
what a hoot it will be that the first mulatto President
was what it took to drive a large percentage of Afro's
to vote Republican ha ha ha
Milk and Oreo's all around

I ain't never had a problem with any person of color
as long as they were white on the inside Homey!
this means nothing other than dipshititutde is equal opportunity. it's great you got your tokens. maybe they can hold a summit with john walker lindh. they have a lot in common.
I agree John Walker Lindh is representative of the Left
with his fag Dad and all, figgers don’t it?
this means nothing other than dipshititutde is equal opportunity. it's great you got your tokens. maybe they can hold a summit with john walker lindh. they have a lot in common.

equal opportunity
Tolken Negros.

You have an interesting perspective on people who chosen to not walk your talk. forgot uppity.
enough of this faggotry.
But wait!... there's more.

Obama is now invoking over 100 years of hard fought democrat history by linking his Bolshevik plot to the freeing of the slaves.

Obama said:
"You know, the slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs, they weren't sure when slavery would end, but they understood it was going to end,".

"now's not the time to took time to free the slaves...ultimately we'll make progress."

I guess he didn't know that 600,000 Americans died for this happen. And I wonder if he's aware that Socialism is slavery.

So, now if you oppose obama you're a slave owner?

I think its irresponsible and a very dangerous move to garner votes. Mark my words that there will be racist violence once Obama is out office.

I hope more people can escape the chains and vote for America.

teh blackie is yo massa now cracka ass honky

Continually Posted by Spikey
-My recommendation, assassinate the jigga-boo and be done with it.

He might be on too sumthin' thar by crackie
Obama is now invoking over 100 years of hard fought democrat history by linking his Bolshevik plot to the freeing of the slaves.

I guess he didn't know that 600,000 Americans died for this happen. And I wonder if he's aware that Socialism is slavery.

What makes you say that?

So, now if you oppose obama you're a slave owner?

This was not said.

You kinda just keep making up weird crap and throwing it out there as if nobody will notice.
It's weird that you think it takes much intellect to notice when you make shit up.

You wouldn't fool most 10 year olds with this crap.
Wait, Pajama TV does polls?
No, they have professional pollsters conduct the surveys for them. It's right there in the story mr smarty pants..

It's looking more likely everyday that even a Prejean/Palin ticket could beat the TOTUS out of his 2nd term.

FOX News Poll said:
Thirty-nine percent would vote to re-elect the president now, down from 43 percent in January. That's a dramatic drop from the 52 percent who felt that way in April, at his term's 100-day mark.


It's right there in the story mr smarty pants..

What kind of psycho would read stories at WND?

A new Public Policy Polling survey of undecided voters released today shows that Sarah Palin’s “leadership” may cause GOP candidates around the country to crash and burn in both 2010 and 2012. The survey revealed that 65% of undecided voters disapprove of Palin, while only 17% approve of her.
Of course you believe that has any relevance to the real world. (PPP lol)

The only way Obama will get re-elected is if people like my father vote for him again. -- Gosh, I can hardly believe it's been almost 3 decades since he passed away.

65% of undecided voters disapprove of Palin

Since the majority of Americans will vote against Obama, I'm going to say that she would clearly stomp the fuck out of Obama hands down.

Now go sit down while the adults talk.