Breast Exams?


Well-Known Member
Ok, evidently we have someone who's worried about not getting fondled at her breast exam. Any others?


New Member
i was actually sighing to your previous post but no...i don't worry. there is a big difference between the clinical way an exam is performed and someone trying to get there jollies whilst strokin my breasts :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to tell me that there's a way to handle a boobie that wouldn't result in woody?



Kissy Goddess
Well, if my married female physician who has 2 kids springs a woody during a breast exam, I'll show her the way to Jerry Springer.


New Member
Professur said:
Ladies, do you worry about being fondled during a breast exam?

Only if he/she holds them for a period of time.......their only supposed to be checking for lumps, etc....nope groping you.
The part thats the scariest is that metal thingy they have to use for the other exam! Oh GOD I REALLY DONT WANT TO GO HERE TODAY!!!!!:mope:


New Member
OMG, I did it! I made it! I Feel so VIOLATED!!!! DAMMIT!!! Been to the same doc since I was 18, and 2 babies later...and had to see a totally different doctor.
Know what Nixy, it was plastic??? What's up wit that! Never had a plastic one before??? Atleast it wasn't COLD! So, the lump??? he's sending me for my very first mamogram.....Ya Know, it really sucks being a woman sometimes....


New Member
i'm back from my pre-op. seems all the poor doctor could think about was how to perform the surgery without messing up my tattoo...i told him not much could mess up my body more than another child and he shouldn't concern himself with the tattoo. surgery is monday morning.


New Member
tonksy said:
i'm back from my pre-op. seems all the poor doctor could think about was how to perform the surgery without messing up my tattoo...i told him not much could mess up my body more than another child and he shouldn't concern himself with the tattoo. surgery is monday morning.

Where is your tattoo at Tonks? Your getting a Tubal right? He should only have to make 2 "small" incisions right above the hairline of your pelvic bone...That's where they did mine.


New Member
i have a rather large tattoo on my belly. no matter where they make the incision (choice of 3 spots) they will all effect my tattoo. oh well.


New Member
i'm home. surgery's over. one of the most painful experiences in my life. they pump your stomach carbon dioxide in order to get at the tubes. i always thought they removed the gas before they sutured you up...but no. so i had terrible gas pains all day followed by ungodly burps. my back is sore, my incisions are sore...and for some bizarre reason my knees are sore. i feel like hammered shit.


New Member
the unbridled sex is on hold for a day or so. i am feeling better today, still stiff and sore for the carbon dioxide and residual anestesia (sp?)