Bring our firefighters home

You mentioned that they signed up and were not drafted. They signed up for emergencies as well.

You mentioned that they might feel safer in Fallujah than at a fire. There's places where they'd feel safer than either of those.

So there was no point to either of those comments.
Lemme' help you here . . .

Tell ya what Spikey. You point out the Gaurdsman that were drafted & they might have a beef with fighting the War on Terror. Go ahead, point 'em out.

theres a point, that those serving over there are there by choice.

Theres plent-O-men in the Nat'l guard to fight the fires, I have 8-10 hours of recent footage shot by Nat'l guardsmen talking about their pride in what doing in BOTH places. And a fine job they do in their service, what-ever it may be.
photo dates : 10/26/2007


An MH-60S Seahawk assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 85, dumps water from a full 420-gallon extinguishing trough onto of one of the many areas in San Diego County suffering from an ongoing wildfire. The blaze has already forced more than 250,000 people from their homes. (U.S. Navy photo/Petty Officer 2nd Class Chris Fahey)


Petty Officer 3rd Class Zach Sykora, aviation warfare systems specialist, attached to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 85, searches for a burning target to dump 420 gallons of water on. HSC-85 has teamed up with the San Diego California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to help put out the wild fires blazing across southern California. (U.S. Navy photo/Petty Officer 3rd Class Dustin Kelling)


49th Military Police Brigade California Army National Guard Soldiers with the 184th Headquarters and Headquarters Company on mission to fight the Southern California wildfires prepare to board a C-130 at the Modesto Airport in Modesto, Calif. (U.S. Army photo/Pfc. Denae J. Davis)

WeeeHaaaa! looky 'dere, we've even got some Soldiers not in Iraq, how'd dat happ'n

We got it going on baaaby!
Save the California Nat'l Guard from the eViL Ukkistanian's too AAAAAUUUUGGGHHHH!

Bring them home to fight the eco-terrorist and their fires.


A Ukrainian soldier leads California National Guard Soldiers in a toast at the Rapid Trident 2007 Friendship Dinner in Kiev, Ukraine, July 14.

Whoa, the insanity of it all is too much! :retard3:

theres a point, that those serving over there are there by choice.

As opposed to serving here not of their choice? No, it would be by choice either way. So point?

Theres plent-O-men in the Nat'l guard to fight the fires, I have 8-10 hours of recent footage shot by Nat'l guardsmen talking about their pride in what doing in BOTH places. And a fine job they do in their service, what-ever it may be.

Great. I imagine more of them helping here could even help more.
Would you like to have the Guard members who are currently helping removed?

They actually have disaster training you know.
Would you like to have the Guard members who are currently helping removed?

OOO OOO! I'll answer for him (or for me, doesn't matter its the same common sense answer)

. . . no

They actually have disaster training you know.

Yeah, they're damn tallented at a whol'lotta'a things, that being ONE of them.

Some of the other things they're trained for: Killing terrorist, serving their country as asked (with the ability to question and deny orders) monitoring peace, nation building, I'm sure their disaster training is used every day over there.

Funny, I see where you are trying to go with all this again. I don't see any freely accessable soldier blogs (to both soldiers and civi's) that would indicate this is an issue for them. The underlying issue seems to be you don't like the war, which is OK, this is America.

So say what you mean, don't pansey about. Make a statement not some silly question. Thats called redirection.
I wonder why he said they weren't trained for it then.

I wondered that too, 'cause he knows better. But I didn't see it as being a big deal, certainly not big enough to make the thread become about that.

But I know you don't like those itty-bitty sub points to slip by when others are making actual points.

Any ideas?

Since you asked. . . I'll try to Enlighten© you (no pun intended)

While its true they have been trained to be dynamic and can do many things. There are NG personel specifically trained to fight all kinds of fires, we call them fire-fighters.

. . . Still with me?

The fire-fighters have these big trucks filled with water and equipment (tools they use to fight fires) both over there and here. When a specific group of NG moves to fight a fire they need these tools and trucks to do their job (fighting fire)

. . . here is where it becomes a little more complex, find a friend or neighbor that can help you for this.

Since the fires are being fought by the firefighters we have here (with their trucks, equipment, and tools) and are already doing everything that can be done it doesn't make sense to move the NG firefighters that are there to here.

Moving the fire-fighters, their trucks, their equipment, their tools, and their support teams, would require a very large logistical effort and may take weeks. (Startrek is not real, we can't really just make them appear on demand)

Those other NG people (not fire-fighters) that are specifically trained to soldier, fly, recon, fuel up, wrench, police, train, construct, etc. are doing what they do as their specific job requires. - and would NOT be very helpful.

Some NG are actually called firefighters and have firefighting trucks, firefighting equipment, firefighting tools, in-depth firefighting trainning, honned firefighting skills.

Most NG aren't firefighters and don't have all that^^^. They have other jobs with other types of trucks and other types of equipment, with other tools. -I think that is what he actually meant (and assumed you would figure out, as I did)

Put our military, trained for battle against men with weapons, against a wildfire, with no training

Gonz, Is that close to what you meant?

Besides the Marines, and Navy are helping with extra trucks, equipment and personel ti fight the fires.
Would you like to have the Guard members who are currently helping removed?

They actually have disaster training you know.

Yes, they do. That's why they're in California instead of Bosnia.

The ones not trained to fight wildfires are doing their duty elsewhere.
Gonz, Is that close to what you meant?

Those other NG people (not fire-fighters) that are specifically trained to soldier, fly, recon, fuel up, wrench, police, train, construct, etc. are doing what they do as their specific job requires. - and would NOT be very helpful.

That's it exactly.

I don't want a F-18 mechanic fighting fires any more than I want a firefighter fixing jet engines.
Border security is a joke. They're still not even required to check IDs when you cross at this point.