Browser Security Test

High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0

High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0

High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0


High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 1
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0
I'm going to manually install all the security updates I've been unable to get in recent months (for various reasons) through Windows Update, and hope that does the trick. :alienhuh:
Maybe your browser was written by Gary Wright and decided dreamweaver could get it through the night. :grinyes:
MrBishop said:
0-0-0 Though it did manage to start up my Dreamweaver for me, without asking first. :alienhuh:
Interesting. It started Front Page for me. Web authoring programs?
Firefox on XP Pro

High Risk Vulnerabilities0 Medium Risk Vulnerabilities0 Low Risk Vulnerabilities0