buddies and heroes

but that would reveal (as if we aren't already well aware) what a travesty it all is

and then the dooms day preppers would be proven right during the ensuing global crash
my kid thinks they can keep this charade going forever and I have to agree with him
why do I care?
Because I live here. It's my home country, and my roots are here.

As far as how much I (or anyone for that matter) pays...
IMHO it's about percentage, not over all dollar amount.
I do more work than I or any of the Docs told me I ever would be able to,
and I'm good with myself. If you have a problem with me, that's Your problem.

(edit: sorry about the danged old participle. That's just the way I talk.)
I missed that one on the GED too.
oh yes i do little buddy.

you're a million miles away from any kind of real responsibility.

in other words, your bullshit blather is so far away from the slightest connection with reality that one cannot help suspect that you are effectively one of those occupy types and little more.

of course you cannot reveal your true status because then you might blow your cover as infowars secret agent.
oh yes i do little buddy.

you're a million miles away from any kind of real responsibility.

in other words, your bullshit blather is so far away from the slightest connection with reality that one cannot help suspect that you are effectively one of those occupy types and little more.

of course you cannot reveal your true status because then you might blow your cover as infowars secret agent.

No, you know nothing about my status, and I won't give you the satisfaction of knowing it. I have noticed you do like to try to fit me in your little narrative of how you view things must be with people of whom you perceive are just like me. You like to project your presumptions about me to supplement your preconceived notions. The constant condescending attitude woven throughout your posts regarding me as well other posters here is quite pathetic. Perhaps that sadly helps you sleep at night. I, of course, do not answer your little diatribes against my character. I do not need to prove anything to you, nor will I dignify your ad hominem arguments by confirming or denying them. However, I suspect that if you knew I was much more successful than you, then you would froth at the mouth.
i'm constantly attacked as a worthless, unproductive commie. so you'll have to pardon me when i point out how my chief critic is a walking contradiction of his own bullshit.
No, you know nothing about my status, and I won't give you the satisfaction of knowing it. I have noticed you do like to try to fit me in your little narrative of how you view things must be with people of whom you perceive are just like me. You like to project your presumptions about me to supplement your preconceived notions. The constant condescending attitude woven throughout your posts regarding me as well other posters here is quite pathetic. Perhaps that sadly helps you sleep at night. I, of course, do not answer your little diatribes against my character. I do not need to prove anything to you, nor will I dignify your ad hominem arguments by confirming or denying them. However, I suspect that if you knew I was much more successful than you, then you would froth at the mouth.

wow that's the longest post you've ever made. usually you just post a link to kurt nimmo something and act like anyone who questions that kind of stuff is a grade A ignoramus. everything is a conspiracy and pure evil unless it's something you happen to believe in, like the church.

so i'm projecting presumptive preconceptions huh? wow... i must have some serious talent. maybe i should try out for one of those reality talent show thingies...

you don't need to prove anything to me. certainly. i don't care about your status in any substantial way. i just find it amusing that you are most likely a kid who is still supported by his parents, who also happens to have profound insight into everything. just like i find it amusing that the most dogmatic capitalists are the ones with the least experience with capitalism. just like i find it amusing that i am able to make a decent living as a hired poindexter while essentially being a worthless, unproductive commie.

someday you will get down from that cross. or be the next mall shooter. one of the two.

but seriously, just for my amusement, how old are you, kid?
why do I care?
Because I live here. It's my home country, and my roots are here.

As far as how much I (or anyone for that matter) pays...
IMHO it's about percentage, not over all dollar amount.
I do more work than I or any of the Docs told me I ever would be able to,
and I'm good with myself. If you have a problem with me, that's Your problem.

(edit: sorry about the danged old participle. That's just the way I talk.)
I missed that one on the GED too.

dude my comments weren't directed at you.

don't worry about the poor english skills. the chick in the office next to me was an english major, and we have conversations like

me: "um, hey, a gerund is a verb with 'ing' added right...?"
her: "fuck... i don't remember..."
If a foreign terrorist bombs us, then "It's our own fault for being too arrogant."
If a domestic criminal initiates violence, "It's because we're a gun-loving society,
and we haven't yet gotten around to making all weapons illegal, once and for all."