buddies and heroes

fun is for children
fun doesn't generate revenue
decadent Americun swine

it's always about
yeah it's just so nebulous i can't possibly understand it either. well, guess we should just give up trying to understand. OMG just too many variables!!!!

or perhaps you could USE GOOGLE and find examples of state laws that sound reasonable as well as examples of laws that seem unreasonable and then discuss. you can do it.
It's even more simple than Google.
Look at what schools are 'working' and profile the methods being use.
I understand that different people learn in different ways, but there are schools
that are doing things like that too.
The problem is the politicians are too lazy to do the foot work. (or at least enough of them to bring anything to the floor.)
That's why some states are doing better than others.
Way too much money(loans) are having to be put up for 'remedial' classes before a kid can even get in a college.
it always ends the same way.

inertia wins.

i guess that's fine if you're okay sounding like, um, yeah, better if i don't say...
it always ends the same way.

inertia wins.

i guess that's fine if you're okay sounding like, um, yeah, better if i don't say...
I gave you the basics up there, but as usual, you dismissed them, so again,
what incentive do I have?
It'd just be 'sos' I'd post, and you'd make excuses, or dismiss it.
yeah yeah yeah Minx, Barry and his cohorts all know so much better how we should live.
keep looking to the nanny state for your purpose in life

The awesome thing about your link is the continual reference to the school day.
Yes they mustn't miss their time in the government indoctrination centers now can they?
By the grace of jebus and our Lord we have the bright shining intellect of the scrhool teacher Elizabeth Warren
and those like her to guide our actions at the point of a gun. Without their careful ministrations we would Shirley
be cast into the fiery pits of hell and damnation
Peace be upon him