

New Member
So... I have a question. I tried a bud last night cos y'know, I like to try all beers at least once... and it was awful. :sick: Tell me, is it supposed to be flat and tasteless or did I just get a bad batch? :hmm:
Yeah it is pretty tasteless. Not a fan of Bud or Miller, the two big American exports.

Proper Budvar is pretty tasty stuff.
Rolling Rock is quite a bit tastier. Stick to the smaller brands, and you'll fare much better.
Pretty much all American beers are crapola. MGD, Miller Lite, Coors, Coors Lite, Bud and Bud Lite are friggin gross. I am not even a huge fan of the Rock, but it is better. My cheap beer of choice is Busch, which I guess says something about my taste...

I am much more partial to Labbats, Molson, Bass, Harp, and Bodingtons. Lite beer just doesn't do it for me!
Yeah, I was just generalizing about the big boys. I actually do like Sam Adams and Harpoon (Boston Brewery) as well. I am sure there are probably some others that I am missing...
Good to know. I HAD heard that bud was crap, but I honestly didn't think it was gonna taste crappier than our NZ crap beers (which taste like rusty nails, but at least they taste of something). I LOVE the claim that the bud beers make on the lable... something about being the most expensive beer to produce? :tardbang:
BeardofPants said:
Good to know. I HAD heard that bud was crap, but I honestly didn't think it was gonna taste crappier than our NZ crap beers (which taste like rusty nails, but at least they taste of something). I LOVE the claim that the bud beers make on the lable... something about being the most expensive beer to produce? :tardbang:

It is the most expensive, because they have to buy all the sour milk for the fleet of people who then piss into a bottle, and label it "bud".
I also like me some Foster's on occasion, Corona with lime, even an Amstel or St. Pauli Girl.

Most microbrews just don't get it for me. Lone Star is not bad.

I always assumed a Sam Adams would be like drinking bread...too yeasty.

And if all else fails, I will drink me some Coors/Coors Light.