

molṑn labé
Staff member
Michael Savage, the self-described avant garde of right wing nutbags said something last night that was worthy of investigation.


1. They are intended to lessen the wearer (women) going against everything feminists have fought for.

2. They are intended to provide preference for a religion (wearing one for a drivers license photo is a must)

3. They may hide someones identity & provide them access where they do not belong or allow a terrorist attack to more easily be brought forth.

on the other hand...


I don't agree with people who get to wear them on their ID. ID is called that for a reason, it's to identify you. If they can wear that I wanna beable to wear a scarf tied around my face and touque pulled down to my eyebrows in my ID pictures. I'm Canadian, it's my culture.
Savage has his good points and being even tempered is not one of them, I would be angry most of the time if I lived in the same area he does.

As far as the burkas go if the law makers pass a law against it the burka the ACLU and other left wing "organisations" would have it tied up in the courts for years, it's the First Amendment and the seperation of church and state thing.

I think that they should adjust to our culture if they are living here. To many laws make life too convuluted...
What'd be the use of having them bare-faced on their ID card when the rest of the time, they're fully covered up? :shrug:

Hell...my dr.license photo barely looks like me. I had to take off my glasses (which are always on my face)for the pic, I'd just gotten a haircut ; my hair is now long, my goatee's changed shape and I was less tanned than I am now.

My passport picture's even less current. Switch to a more exact method of ID... fingerprint or retinal scan.

Beyond getting into bars...most people you present photo IDs to barely glance at the photo. They're too busy checking out the address or ID# to care. :shrug:
MrBishop said:
What'd be the use of having them bare-faced on their ID card when the rest of the time, they're fully covered up? :shrug:

Hell...my dr.license photo barely looks like me. I had to take off my glasses (which are always on my face)for the pic, I'd just gotten a haircut ; my hair is now long, my goatee's changed shape and I was less tanned than I am now.

My passport picture's even less current. Switch to a more exact method of ID... fingerprint or retinal scan.

Beyond getting into bars...most people you present photo IDs to barely glance at the photo. They're too busy checking out the address or ID# to care. :shrug:

I think police care. The primary purpose of a driver's licence is so you can drive. Hence the name. If a cop pulls someone over their face should be bare on their ID and they should have to show their face to prove it's them. Otherwise anyone 10 people could be driving with the same licence.
I got one quote for you..and it's used far too often.

"Those damn <insert ethnicity here> they all look the same to me"
So if the Iranians nuke U.S.
and kill a million and a half of U.S.
will they have to pass a law
protecting the stinky toothless Burqua wearing throwbacks???

Gawd I love Michael!

by the way WTH is a "North African youth"?
MrBishop said:
I got one quote for you..and it's used far too often.

"Those damn <insert ethnicity here> they all look the same to me"

Why yes, they do
wearing the burka is part of their own personal beliefs, same as a religious jew wearing a yamulka.

So I do beleive it is their right to wear it, BUT I do beleive laws come before religion, and they should, in deference to western culture, have to remove it for ID photos.
You wanna walk around all day with a rug on your face? Be my guest.

God told you to do it, you say? Then by all means, have at it.

But when you go for a drivers license or any other identifying photo, we don't care what kind of facemask you chose to wear that day. We want to be able to identify you. You. Not your garb.

Don't like it? Two choices. Don't drive, or leave. It's the law here. Obey it or pay the price.

This is complicated?
Not only driving. If they try to write a check (is that allowed under Islam) they'd need to remove the hood. Entering a federal building, many large public arenas (stadiums, airports, etc) require recognition abilities. In some places, wearing "halloween" masks is actually illegal. If you can't go as Scooby Doo you damn well shouldn't be allowed to go as Ezmarelda the Muslim wench.
Gonz said:
Not only driving. If they try to write a check (is that allowed under Islam) they'd need to remove the hood. Entering a federal building, many large public arenas (stadiums, airports, etc) require recognition abilities. In some places, wearing "halloween" masks is actually illegal. If you can't go as Scooby Doo you damn well shouldn't be allowed to go as Ezmarelda the Muslim wench.

You have to show your face when writing a cheque? WTF?

The rest I agree with you on...the cheque thing just baffles me.
Why of course you shouldn't show your face when you write a check. Who would ever question anyone writing a check? No need to show identification when you write a check...they'll just take your word that it's your checkbook, not stolen. Then too there's that whole pesky store surveillence camera issue when the check is declined as stolen...no need to have an idea what the check writer looked like or anything...
I'm imagine that driving while wearing a burka (if they're even allowed to drive) is a wee bit difficult. Kinda cuts down on the visibility.

Up here..there are 3 main photo IDs. Drivers license, medicare and passport. All of them have secondary purposes, for example...the drivers license gives you the right to drive. We currently don't have a photo ID card or even a non-photo ID card that is Universal and single-purpose...though that may change soon.

D'ya guys have any such animal down there?

Edit: The reason I ask is, if you don't drive and don't travel...you're running out of options for any type of photo ID at all. The medicare card doesn't have address on it and is therefore often refused as a proper ID.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Why of course you shouldn't show your face when you write a check. Who would ever question anyone writing a check? No need to show identification when you write a check...they'll just take your word that it's your checkbook, not stolen. Then too there's that whole pesky store surveillence camera issue when the check is declined as stolen...no need to have an idea what the check writer looked like or anything...

Ah, see, most places here don't accept personal cheques so I'm thinking like sitting in your house writing a cheque to put in the mail for something...
We aren't required to carry photo ID. Many (most? all?) states will issue one, basically a drivers license without driving privelege, for a fee.

Nixy said:
most places here don't accept personal cheques

That's because there are too many burkas up there.
Gonz said:
We aren't required to carry photo ID. Many (most? all?) states will issue one, basically a drivers license without driving privelege, for a fee.

That's because there are too many burkas up there.

Actually, in all honesty...I've never seen anyone with their face completely covered like that. I've seen some with only their eyes showing and that too pisses me off cause you could be ANYONE. You can't see enough eye detail on an ID card to ID someone just by their eyes.