Bus driver refuses to drive bus with gay-themed ads

Keep in mind she might not have wanted to quit because she can't get another job that would pay as much and she has a mortgage, bills, etc.

Lets say that I'm her coworker. I had a nice route, close to home..nice neighborhood to drive through, good people on, no teens, no troublemakers. Oops...I get bumped to a new route half-way across town, two high-schools on route with loud obnoxious kids, and shitty roads to drive on.

Why? Because she didn't want to drive a bus with a gay ad on the side??!? Boo hoo..did the bad old advertising hurt your feelings? Get BACK on your own damn bus, bitch! This is MY route!

*Pardon the drama... if she switched with another worker who didn't mind, that's one thing. but just 'cause she's 'accommodated' doesn't mean that everyone is.

That would be a good bit more selfish than someone making a polite request because of their beliefs.
It's an ad. Something she can't see from inside the bus and that most people ignore anyway. It's not like that expected her to wear a gay-pride tshirt to work or something.

How all this became newsworthy is a whole other story.
The point is that she's refusing to do the job given to her based on her beliefs.

So do a lot of people. Why is she being singled out? I think you can guess the answer...

MrBish said:
What if her next route took her through the gay village, would she switch again? OK.
The route after that has a stop in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic. Switch again? OK.
The route after that goes through a majority black neighbourhood and she feels antsy about that. Switch again? OK.
The one after that goes by a restaurant that her and her ex-husband used to go to all the time and the emotional pain is too much for her. Switch again?

You're reading too much into this...as usual. She took a stand, and you want to kick her in the teeth for it.

MrBish said:
The job is 'drive the bus'...for which she gets a sickening amount of money. Drive the bus. Period, polka dot.

And if she doesn't like certain aspects of the job, and accomodating her doesn't cost you, why not do it?

MrBish said:
BTW...don't confuse me for a White Knight for the Muslim ideology, that's a straw man argument.

Okay, Habib. :D Anyway...straw man, or not, this is a valid argument. People will bend over backwards to accomodate certain people, but others get the shitty end of the stick. That was my argument...Don't believe me? recall your upbringing in the schools you attended. ;)
Personally, I don't give a shit either way. I do wonder how sympathetic you lot would be if it were a "whiny" liberal who refused to drive a bus with a bush slogan on it though. :shrug:
The way that I read that is that she doesn't have to drive a bus with the ad on it. Nowhere does it say that anyone's route changed, just the bus she drives. Or.............did I miss something???? :confused:

Nope. I'd say you read it clearly.
More typical

A Virginia man claims he was fired from his job because a message on the window of his pickup truck supported a proposed state constitutional amendment on marriage.

Luis Padilla, who worked in the human resources office at Cargill, the international provider of food and agricultural products and services, wrote on his vehicle's rear window, "Please, vote for marriage on Nov. 7."
