Bush preps for historic Third Term


Exclusive The US Department of Justice (DoJ) and the office of the White House Counsel are preparing a draft document laying out the President's wartime authority to remain in office past 2008, The Register has learned.

The scheme is described as an emergency "continuity presidency," made necessary by the extraordinary circumstances and unique challenges of protecting the United States from the threat of international terrorism.


“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
Next comes the surrendering of the checks and balances system in a war time powers act. This allows a president to make unilateral decisions on a permanent basis. This, of course, is opposed by some who the president labels “threats to national security” and “our way of life”. They are taken to a temporary holding area where they are processed and taken before a secret military tribunal. They are charged with treasons acts and imprisioned. This isn’t immediately evident to most people until small riots break out in some major cities. This pushes the president’s position further and declares a national state of emergency. Soon tanks are positioned around federal buildings and fences erected to keep protestors out. The FBI and Homeland Security combine to form a new branch called Federal Homeland Security Administration. Its primary goal is to root out traitors and terrorist. However, it is generally corrupt due to lack of oversight and often rounds up minority and low income citizens and tries them on false charges. This is answered by the administration by temporarily with-holding habis corpus from suspected criminals. Those found guilty of Terrorism or un-American activities are quickly excuted under and new orders from the office of the president. etc...

However, it is likely an April Fools hoax...
flavio said:

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

Franklin Deleno Roosevelt had been the only President in the history of the United states to be elected for four consecutive terms and passed away in the begining of his fourth. This is why there is a term limit for the office of President of the United States...

flavio said:
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

edited - no personal attacks - Leslie
Cos y'know, all those freedoms bought by blood ain't worth nothin' if you don't all get forced to buy one ideology. :hmm:

I don't see why you think it's appropriate to make all these personal attacks because I posted this article
BeardofPants said:
Cos y'know, all those freedoms bought by blood ain't worth nothin' if you don't all get forced to buy one ideology. :hmm:

Well...when one side tosses the words hate and racism about every time they have a policy they don't like, scream bloody murder every time something happens that they don't agree with, or claim abuse when they don't get their way, you're going to have this kind of ideology. Instead of tearing down, we should be building up. We are all guilty of the same thing. It's that some of us have hope, while others have pessimism.
Wow Flavy I doff my chapeau to you,
you've really outdone yourself this time!

Next you WILL uncover the plan that we
members of the great right-wing conspiracy
have been hatching for a longtime.
(luv u longtime five dollar)

You know the one where we bring out Osama
(whom we really did capture during Tora Bora)
and let the Israelis do another 9-11
(this time a mini-nuke in NYC, we attribute it’s source to Iran)
causing the need to suspend elections giving GW a third term.

Drat you commies are on to us.

Not to worry though it won’t make no nevermind
we are large and in charge, after all you know what they
say about résistance…

yer kinda Idiotology of course
the kind of person that would lend creedence

""First, the fact that this proposal is in the works so far in advance of the 2008 elections suggests that real care is being taken, which in turn suggests that President Bush is, for the moment, anyway, quite serious about attempting this coup d'état."

Yep that's the ticket!
When John Kerry defended his position by
stating that he was not a Liberal,
during the Presidential debates, I believed him!

If the left tells me that GW is Hitler I believe them!

Don’t you?!?
highwayman said:
Franklin Deleno Roosevelt had been the only President in the history of the United states to be elected for four consecutive terms and passed away in the begining of his fourth. This is why there is a term limit for the office of President of the United States...
It always amuses me how many people who consider something "historic" are blissfully unaware of their history.

On a related note, I first heard this particular conspiracy theory before Bush's second term even began. Can't remember where, but it's been floating around in one version or another for a while now.

I wonder if The Register's reporting of it legitimizes it or further de-legitimizes The Register. :confused:
flavio said:
I don't see why you think it's appropriate to make all these personal attacks because I posted this article

It's because of this comment..

flavio said:
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

If you don't want any negative feed then don't make statements like this against the country you live in...
highwayman said:
It's because of this comment..
If you don't want any negative feed then don't make statements like this against the country you live in...

That was a quote generally attributed to GW. So now what?

Does that mean now you want him to leave the country?
flavio said:
That was a quote generally attributed to GW. So now what?

Attributed by who?

flavio said:
Does that mean now you want him to leave the country?

Who? President Bush?
No he is entitled to live in this country as much as either of us. In fact the recent events over the past month with Dubai and the way it was handled has had me disillused with the current administration, that does not mean I will direspect the oval office.

Take a look at your original post..

flavio said:
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

This is out side the quotes and looks like you you were running down the original documents that the United States was founded on...It sounded very critical of America...
highwayman said:
Attributed by who?

Who? President Bush?
No he is entitled to live in this country as much as either of us. In fact the recent events over the past month with Dubai and the way it was handled has had me disillused with the current administration, that does not mean I will direspect the oval office.

Take a look at your original post..

This is out side the quotes and looks like you you were running down the original documents that the United States was founded on...It sounded very critical of America...

Sounded more critical of Bush and this administration to me. He has made some threads where he attacked America, this isn't one of them though
highwayman said:
Who? President Bush?
No he is entitled to live in this country as much as either of us.

If I said it I should leave the country but if GW said it it's ok?