Gonz said:
Compared to what? Reagan over Mundull? 3% is a decent historical win.

Everybody seems to think that this shows the vast majority of Americans are on the president's side. What it really shows is that once again a small (3% is small gonz, no matter who does the math) percentage of people thought that one candidate was slightly less offensive. :shrug: As far as I could ever tell, the only issues in this election were what Bush has done wrong vs. what Kerry was going to do wrong. I find this a piss poor way to pick the leader of the free world. It's the way we've been doing it since I've been able to vote, but I don't think that means there isn't a better way.
I understand that Gonz. I'm just saying all the self-aggrandizing breast beating and crowing is out of place. I understand that it happens every time, that fails to make it right. Actually, I think George II is handling it a lot better than many of his supporters. I do have hopes, I just think he lied and he shouldn't be rewarded for it. Too late for that now, and besides the Democrats were idiots.
With 99.8% of the precincts reporting it's

Bush 59,408,208 (51.1%)
Kerry 55,886,431 (48.0%)
Nader 399,530 (0.3%)

Plus several thousand thrown away votes for 3rd party candidates & crap like Donald Duck.

Let's round to 120million votes.

If over 50% of our society are children & a large percentage of adults are inelligible, we weren't too far from full voter turnout were we?
while I agree I think its one of those noone wants to be lumped and they have values that liberal has(Kerry) or a conservative(Bush)
Conservatives are quite proud to be called CONSERVATIVE. It's the liberals that freak out.
I love this county by county map

Gonz said:
Conservatives are quite proud to be called CONSERVATIVE. It's the liberals that freak out.

not all. I, like my parents, wear it with pride to be called liberal. and not all conservatives like the label. Most politicians hate to be labeled liberal or conservative.
Personally, I think the idea of getting so wrapped up in an idea like conservatism, or liberalism is a sign of poor thinking. Nothing's so black and white in the world. People need to stop trying to label and catagorize everything and actually look at the details. But, just like everything else, people are lazy, and would rather have it labelled and be able to chant easily remembered slogans rather than actually think.
Gonz said:
I love this county by county map

Start at the bottom of California. The red county on the left is San Diego, and the blue one on the right is Imperial. Immediately above those two is Riverside, and the big-ass red one (bigger than a lot of entire states) is San Bernardino county. There are two to the left of it, the lower one (blue) being Los Angeles and the upper, red one being Kern (ResearchMonkey's home). To the left of Kern, sandwiched between the blue counties of Monterey to the north and Santa Barbara to the south, is the red county of San Luis Obispo. That's where I live.

Interesting tidbit: notice how most of California is red, and yet Kerry won the state? That's what would happen if we abolished the Electoral College, except on a much larger scale. You can see that the vast majority of the nation is red, and yet Bush only won by 3 percentage points. If you picked the right ones, all you'd have to do is change a total of 3 or 4 counties to blue from red and Kerry would have won the entire election. More evidence: only a small fraction of Pennsylvania is blue, and Kerry won that state, too. Same situation in Oregon and Washington. But I'd rather have my vote cancelled out by someone in my own state than someone three time zones away.
its an incredibly misleading map. as if population densities are the same everywhere. anyone know what the breakdown was for the 20 largest cities?
Thulsa Doom said:
its an incredibly misleading map. as if population densities are the same everywhere. anyone know what the breakdown was for the 20 largest cities?

The link in The Other One's post might help ya, TD.
Thulsa Doom said:
its an incredibly misleading map.

Not at all. Population centers vote for handouts & the other 90% vote for taking care of themselves.
Gonz said:
If over 50% of our society are children & a large percentage of adults are inelligible, we weren't too far from full voter turnout were we?

40% of registered voters just said "fuck it." :shrug:
Thulsa Doom said:
its an incredibly misleading map. as if population densities are the same everywhere. anyone know what the breakdown was for the 20 largest cities?

Thanks for once again justifying the EC system. That's the whole fucking point.
chcr said:
40% of registered voters just said "fuck it." :shrug:

Is/was it 40%? I've not noticed nor looked.

The non-voting public has elected, by their lack of involvement, to allow those of us who pay attention to set the mandate with their tacit approval.